  • 學位論文


A research of promoting「green hospital」in Taiwan and the influencing factors-a case study of Taipei area.

指導教授 : 董貞吟


為了解臺灣地區推動綠色醫院之情況,並分析影響執行之相關因素,本研究利用結構式問卷以大台北地區之教學醫院共31家為樣本,另依各家醫院規模及人員配置,發放231份問卷,以收集醫院相關主管及員工對綠色醫院之態度、覺知等自覺因素。共回收有效問卷醫院26份(83.9%),員工209份(90.5%)。主要結果如下: 一、大部分醫院有綠化環境及美化空間,但卻缺少生物多樣性的考量,且無綠化的管理準則或無明確公告。 二、鮮少醫院有「使用熱泵系統節能」及「利用太陽自然能源」。 三、有七成的醫院會採用省水器材節水,但不到三成醫院有「中水利用」及「雨水回收」。 四、幾乎全部的醫院都有「具體資源回收機制」及「定期追蹤廢棄物處理成本和效益」。 五、室內環境以定期監控「濕度」所佔的比例最低。 六、綠色產品以使用年限較長者,如冰箱、影印、傳真機、電腦設備等,綠色採購較多。 七、醫院政策與整體綠色醫院現況呈高度顯著正相關,且分別與節約能源、水資源、室內環境及綠建築呈高度顯著正相關。 八、乙類教學醫院之整體自覺因素與醫院綠色環境呈顯著正相關、醫院綠建築呈高度顯著正相關,即自覺因素越高,醫院環境與綠建築現況越佳。 由上可知,醫院政策對綠色醫院的推行影響甚大,另外可透過持續的教育訓練與宣導,來強化相關人員之態度與覺知,進而影響其綠色行為。?


綠色醫院 教學醫院


In order to investigate the promotion of “Green Hospital” in Taiwan and the influential factors, we interviewed managers and employees among 31 teaching hospitals in Taipei with structural questionnaire. According to the scale and staffing component of each teaching hospital, we collected the attitude and awareness toward “green hospital” from 231 managers and employees. Finally, we received 26 questionnaires (83.9%) from teaching hospital and 209 questionnaires (90.5%) from employees, respectively. The results of the study were as follows: 1.In most of teaching hospitals, there were sustainable environments and embellished space, but lacking of biological diversity environment. And there was no guideline and valid announcement.. 2.It had shown that only few hospitals made use of “heat pump system” and “solar energy”. 3.70% of the hospitals were equipped with water-saving facilities, but less than 30% of them were equipped with water reuse and rainwater retrieve. 4.Almost all of the teaching hospitals established specific mechanisms of resource recycle and monitored the cost and effectiveness of waste disposal regularly. 5.In all Regular monitoring items, humidity was most deficient one in teaching hospitals. 6.Managers tended to purchase durable green products, such as refrigerator, photocopier, fax machine, computer equipment, and etc. 7.There was highly positive correlation between hospital operating policy and integral hospital greening condition. And the policy also significantly associated with the conservation of energy and water, indoor environment and green building, respectively. 8.Integral awareness of secondary teaching hospitals are significantly positive associated with green environment and green building, which meant that the higher awareness level, the better hospital environment and green building. Based on the above findings, the policy had great effect on promotion of green hospital. Beside, by sustained education, training and advocacy can enhance the attitude and awareness of managers and employees to make effect on their green behavior.


green hospital teaching hospital


Debra A. Copeland;Raymond P. Panzica.(1989). Medical Waste: Socioeconomic Impact. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences ,5(11),593-599.
Greening Hospitals. Retrieved from
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