  • 學位論文


User Evaluation of Chinese Teaching Materials : Evaluation Factors and Two-way Model of Quality

指導教授 : 曾金金博士


在全球「華語熱」背景下,對外華語教學發展迅速,爲了因應此一大好形勢的需求,除了提高華語老師的素質外,更應與時俱進地編寫出好的教材。而一般教材的內容編纂、改版、再版、或教材的選用,幾乎操在主事者、學者專家的手上,鮮少納入使用者(老師/學生)的評估意見。因此藉由企業界行之有年的二維品質,來檢視目前所使用之教材評估的屬性,也許能對今後教材的編製、編纂提供一個有效的方針,跳脫舊思維模式,為華語界注入一股新流。 本研究旨在探討以二維品質理論分析華語教材評估要素屬性,透過問卷調查,針對五所大學院校華語中心之華語老師及外籍生,隨機抽樣調查,以了解老師和學生對教材評估項目的二維品質屬性有何異同。 經問卷分析,大部份教材評估品質要素屬於「無差異」與「一元化」品質。當調整取樣法時,「課文題材豐富範圍廣泛」、「教材練習形式是多樣的」、「版面字體大小合適」具「魅力品質」屬性;「教材內容與學習者的需求相一致」具「當然品質」屬性;「生詞加註通用拼音」具「反轉品質」屬性。 「生詞加註通用拼音」教師呈現「反轉品質」屬性,學生卻視為「魅力品質」,此為教師與學生二者間顯著差異。 學生於「教材內容與學習者的需求相一致」具「當然品質」屬性、於「生詞加註漢語拼音」、「課文中的語言對學習者是實用的」具有強烈的「一元化品質」屬性,顯見學生對於「教材內容實用、適切」、「生詞加註漢語拼音」具有極大的需求,期以此結果作為日後編纂、改版教材的依據。 關鍵字:華語教材、華語教材評估要素屬性、二維品質理論


Recently Chinese learning has becoming more and more popular wih people around the world. To meet the need of Chinese learners, we need to cultivate suitable teaching material. But, most teaching of materials have been edited, revised, and selected by the editors and the scholars without consulting the consumers, i.e. the teacher and their students. The aim of this study focused on the analysis of Chinese teaching material evaluation factors using the two-way model of quality. The questionnaires were filled in by both the students and teachers from five Chinese Teaching Centers of Taiwan. The research findings are as follows: (1) Teachers and students’ evaluation factors significantly different. Teachers emphasize language skills, while students care more about fulfilling their communication needs. (2) Younger and less experienced teachers are more demanding on the quality of Chinese teaching materials, because more factors are required for them to be satisfied. (3) Students from North-East Asia care more about fulfilling their learning needs, for this item is evaluated as the “Must-be”factor. Students from South-East Asia are satisfied with added Pinyin, practical language texts, various topics and grammar exercises. Students from western countries are satisfied with added Pinyin, and the right level of difficulties. Students from Africa demand more factors for a textbook, such as the appropriate expression for a social occasion, i+1 input, etc. (4) Students of math and science background think added Pinyin, appropriate length of the text, and reasonable price is a must in a textbook. Students of law or business background demand more satisfying factors for a textbook, such as arranging the teaching materials by the four skills, fulfilling their learning needs, added Pinyin, etc. It is suggested that textbooks should be compiled according to the factors that satisfy teachers and students of different background.


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