  • 學位論文


Relationships among Marital Conflict, Family Boundaries and Early Adolescent Adjustment

指導教授 : 吳麗娟 博士


中文摘要 本研究主要以Miunchin結構學派家庭治療理論為基礎,探討婚姻衝突、家庭界限、青少年子女適應三者之間的關係,以台北市七所國中一至三年級學生為研究對象,共計473名。本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,所使用的工具包括「婚姻衝突量表」、「家庭界限量表」與「柯氏性格量表」。調查所得資料以典型相關分析統計法進行資料分析。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 婚姻衝突與家庭界限之關係 婚姻衝突各個向度構成的X組變項和家庭界限各向度構成的Y組變項之間有三組顯著的典型相關存在,其相關組型如下: 1. 第一個典型相關結構顯示,當父母婚姻衝突的次數愈多、強度愈強、衝突愈沒有得到解決、衝突的原因愈是穩定,則家人愈傾向不分享彼此的接觸時間、個人空間、情緒空間、訊息空間;代間階層性上,父母愈無法撫育與控制,聯盟與友伴關係愈差。 2. 第二個典型相關結構顯示,當父母婚姻衝突的次數愈多,則家人愈傾向分享彼此的接觸時間、情緒空間、訊息空間、決定空間;父母愈能撫育、控制,形成友伴關係,但愈不傾向聯盟。 3. 第三個典型相關結構顯示,當父母婚姻衝突的原因愈穩定,則家人愈傾向分享彼此的情緒空間;父母愈能撫育。 二、 家庭界限與子女適應之關係 家庭界限各個向度構成的X組變項和子女適應各向度構成的Y組變項之間有三組顯著的典型相關存在,其相關組型如下: 1. 第一個典型相關結構顯示,家人愈傾向分享彼此的接觸時間、個人空間、情緒空間、訊息空間;代間階層性上,父母愈能撫育、控制,愈傾向聯盟與友伴,則子女適應上愈正常、愈親群、愈不會有焦慮、自卑憂鬱及攻擊的不適應癥狀。 2. 第二個典型相關結構顯示,家人愈傾向分享彼此的情緒空間,父母愈能撫育、控制,則子女適應上愈正常、愈親群,但也愈有焦慮、自卑憂鬱的不適應傾向。 3. 第三個典型相關結構顯示,家人愈少分享彼此的決定空間,父母統愈不傾向形成聯盟與友伴的關係,則子女適應上愈正常,攻擊傾向愈強,但也愈不親群。 三、 婚姻衝突、家庭界限與子女適應之關係 婚姻衝突、家庭界限各個向度構成的X組變項和子女適應各向度構成的Y組變項之間有三組顯著的典型相關存在,其相關組型如下: 1. 第一個典型相關結構顯示,父母婚姻衝突次數愈多、強度愈強、衝突愈沒有得到解決、衝突的原因愈穩定;且家人愈少分享彼此的接觸時間、個人空間、情緒空間、訊息空間;父母愈無法撫育、控制,愈不傾向形成聯盟與友伴;則子女在適應上愈不正常、愈不親群、愈有焦慮、自卑憂鬱及攻擊的傾向。 2. 在第二個典型相關結構顯示,父母婚姻衝突結果愈得到解決;且家人愈能分享彼此的接觸時間、情緒空間、訊息空間,父母愈能撫育、控制,愈是友伴;則子女適應上,愈是正常、親群、愈是有焦慮的傾向。 3. 第三個典型相關結構顯示,在父母婚姻衝突愈獲得解決、原因愈穩定;且家人愈能分享彼此的決定空間,父母次系統愈是聯盟與友伴的關係;則子女適應上,愈是親群,並愈少有攻擊傾向。 最後根據本研究之結果進行討論,以作為婚姻與家庭治療、青少年輔導與未來進一步研究的建議。


Relationships among Marital Conflict, Family Boundaries and Early Adolescent Adjustment Hui-Wen Chen Abstract This study is based on Minuchin Structural approach family theory. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among marital conflict, family boundaries, and early adolescent adjustment. The sample consisted of 473 students from seven junior high schools (ages 13-15) in Taipei. Instruments used in this study include “Marital Conflict Scales”, “Family Boundaries Scales”, and “KMHQ 1998”. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by canonical correlation analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. The Relationships between Marital Conflict and Family Boundaries Marital conflict was significantly related to family boundaries. (1) The first canonical function indicated that when marital conflict is more frequent, more intense, more unresolved, and more stable, then the members of the family share less contact time, personal space, emotional space, information space, and the parents show less nurturance, less controlling of their children, and are less in alliance with and peers with each other. (2) The second canonical function indicated that when marital conflict is more frequent, then the members of the family share more contact time, emotional space, information space, decision space, and the parents show more nurturance, controlling of their children more, and are more peers with but less in alliance with each other. (3) The third canonical function indicated that when marital conflict is more stable, then the members of the family share more emotional space, and the parents show more nurture with their children. 2. The Relationships between Family Boundaries and Early Adolescent Adjustment Family boundaries were significantly related to early adolescent adjustment. (1) The first canonical function indicated that when the members of the family have less contact time, personal space, emotional space, information space, and the parents are less nurturing, control their children, have less in alliance with, peers with each other, then the early adolescent is less normal, less close to peers, but more anxious, depressed, and aggressive. (2) The second canonical function indicated that when the members of the family share more emotional space, and the parents were more nurturing and more controlling their children, then the early adolescent is more normal, more closed to peers, more anxious, and more depressed. (3) The third canonical function indicated that when the members of the family share less decision space, and the parents are less in alliance with, peers with each other, then the early adolescent is more normal and aggressive, but less close to peers. 3. The Relationships among Marital Conflict, Family Boundaries and Early Adolescent Adjustment Marital conflict, family boundaries were significantly related to early adolescent adjustment. (1) The first canonical function indicated that when marital conflict is more frequent, more intensive, more unresolved, and more stable, as well as the members of the family share less contact time, personal space, emotional space, information space, and the parents are less nurturing, less controlling of their children, and are less in alliance with and peers with each other, then the early adolescent is less normal, less close to peers, but more anxious, depressed, and aggressive. (2) The second canonical function indicated that when marital conflict is more resolved, as well as the members of the family share more contact time, emotional space, and information space, and the parents are more nurturing, less controlling of their children, and are more peers with each other, then the early adolescent is more normal, more close to peers, and more anxious. (3) The third canonical function indicated that when marital conflict is more resolved and stable, as well as the members of the family share more decision space, and the parents are more in alliance with and peers with each other, then the early adolescent is more close to peers and less aggressive. Based on the results, implication of the study for marriage and family therapy, counseling and guidance of adolescents and suggestion for the future research were proposed as well.


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