  • 學位論文


The Motivations for In-service Education and Professional Development of In-service Teachers with Master Degree of Teaching in Science from Three National Normal Universities

指導教授 : 李田英博士


本研究旨在了解三所國立師範大學科學教育研究所教學碩士班學生的在職進修動機與專業成長,並探討性別、服務年資與在職進修動機、專業成長的相關性,及在職進修動機與專業成長之關係。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為三所國立科學教育研究所教學碩士班之畢業教師,共一百五十一人,有效問卷一百零七份,有效問卷回收率為70.9﹪。研究工具為研究者設計之「科學教育研究所教學碩士班學生之在職進修動機與教師專業成長」問卷,問卷信度為再測信度,前測與後測之相關係數為.62,專家效度一致性為72﹪。資料分析為先進行常態檢定,並求頻率分布、相關性及檢驗差異性等。研究結果如下: 1.在職進修動機以「求知興趣」層次最強,其餘依次是「職業進展」、「社交關係」、「社會服務」、「外界影響」、「逃避/刺激」等層次;2.「求知興趣」層次中以「改善科學教學能力」、「增加科學教育專業知識」、「自我挑戰,進一步肯定自己」為最強之動機,「職業進展」層次以「想取得學歷文憑、可跳級加薪」最強;3.女教師之動機在「社會服務」及「社交關係」層次上顯著強於男教師(p<.05);4.年資為六至十年、十一年至二十年的教師在「職業進展」層次之動機顯著強於其他年資教師(p<.05);5. 專業成長改變最多的層次為「學科知識」,其次為「批判與反省能力」,改變最少的是「研究能力」層次;6.「中文寫作能力」、「英文閱讀能力」、「運用統計概念與電腦軟體協助資料分析」、「班級經營技巧」及「了解各層級之課程規劃」是專業成長改變程度較少的項目;7.服務年資與教師的專業成長無顯著差異;8.在職進修動機與專業成長皆相關(r=.49),「求知興趣」、「職業進展」層次與專業成長各層次皆相關(r=.22~.53)。教師在職進修動機越強,專業成長則越好,教師有較強的「求知興趣」動機,則專業成長越好。建議(1)三所科學教育研究所之未來課程可加強教師英文閱讀及中文寫作能力、班級經營技巧、運用統計概念與電腦軟體協助資料分析及了解各層級之課程規劃的能力;(2)辦理教師在職進修時宜提供學歷文憑或升遷加薪等誘因以吸引更多在職教師參與進修研習;(3)未來的研究建議在學生入學時調查其動機,待畢業前調查其專業成長;同時深入探討服務年資二十一年以上的教師其在職進修的動機與專業成長。


The purposes of this study were to understand the motivations for in-service education and professional development of in-service teachers with master degree of teaching in science education from three National Normal Universities, to investigate relationships among gender , years of teaching, motivations for in-service education, professional develop-ment ; and correlations between motivations and professional development. Questionnaire survey was adopted. The questionn-aire was developed by the researcher. The subjects were 151. There were 107 copies of valid responses which made up 70.9﹪of the total samples. Data were analyzed through Normality Test, descriptive statistics, Spearman Correlation and Nonparametric Tests by SPSS 11.0 for Windows. The major finding were as follow:1) the strongest motivation was “interest for knowledge”. “Professional development” was next, the rest were “social relation-ships”, “community service”, “external influence” and “escape/stimula-tion” respectively; 2) the strongest item within category of “interest for knowledge” was to improve their science teaching ability and education knowledge, the strongest item within category of “professional develop-ment” was to get degree to promote their salary; 3) female teachers had significantly (p<.05) stronger motivations in “social relation ” and “ community service” than male teachers; 4) teachers who had taught for 6-20 years had significantly (p<.05) stronger motivation in “professional development” than other teachers; 5) teachers considered themselves had the most improvement in “content knowledge” than other dimen-sions.“Critical thinking and reflection ability” dimension was the second one. Teachers considered themselves had less improvement in dimension of “research ability”; 6) teachers indicated themselves had less improve-ment in reading in English, writing in Chinese, classroom management skills, using the statistic concepts and computer software to analyze data, and the ability to understand the curriculum planning and organization; 7) professional development was not corre-lated with years of teaching; 8) there were significantly correlations between motivations and professional development; “interest for knowledge” and “professional development” were significantly correlated with all dimentions of profess-ional development. The stronger motivation of “in-terest for knowledge”,the better professional development. To enhance students` abilities in using the statistic concepts and computer software to analyze data, classroom management skills,reading in English and writing in Chinese were recommended for future curriculum design of three institu-tions. It was also recommended to accompany more or less of promoting teachers' salary or position for in-service training. For future study, it was suggested to investigate teachers' motivations when they were freshmen and their professional development when they graduated respectively, and to have detail interview of motivations and professional development of teachers who had taught for more than 21 years.


