  • 學位論文


The Research in the Transition on the Trend Of Normal and Vocational high School Students' Interesting

指導教授 : 田振榮 鄭慶民


本研究旨在探討我國高中職學生職業興趣傾向的變遷情形,並根據研究結論提出具體之建議,以作為後續研究與輔導實務之參考依據。本研究主要係採用文獻分析法與現有統計資料分析法,以量的統計分析為研究之主軸,分為三大部分進行研究-樣本描述統計差異檢定、興趣取向跨年分析、Holland環狀理論驗證分析。 本研究所需之興趣資料採自「大學入學考試中心興趣量表」為測驗工具,並將高中職學生受測結果,利用MS Office Excel 2003與SPSS 13.0進行資料處理與分析: 一、 樣本描述統計差異檢定: (採1995年、2001年、2005年隨機抽樣樣本) 平均數、標準差、t考驗、相關係數、偏態與峰度、信度、MDS空間構型分析。 二、 興趣取向跨年分析: (採1993年、2005年立意抽樣樣本) 試題項目分析、百分比、百分比(分數)差異。 三、 Holland環狀理論驗證分析: (採國外文獻24份、國內文獻16份,與2001年6份、2005年6份,合計52份隨機抽樣樣本) 相關係數、CI?、p?、RS?、MDS空間構型分析。 按照上述三大研究脈絡蒐集、分析資料,並加以彙整與歸納後,依據處理結果,分別針對教育行政機關、高中職學校、諮商輔導機構、後續研究提出相關建議如下: 一、 教育行政機關: (一)、 檢討高中職教育目標同質性較高的問題。 (二)、 檢討高等教育普及化之必要性。 (三)、 增加生涯輔導之課程規劃。 二、 高中職學校: (一)、 建立學校本位之特色,培養學生帶得走的職場能力。 (二)、 健全學校輔導功能,協助學生自我探索與抉擇生涯道路。 三、 諮商輔導機構: (一)、 社會價值的矯正與家庭成員的尊重。 (二)、 家庭功能的重建與心理衛生之宣導。 四、 後續研究: (一)、 Holland環狀理論對於我國高中職學生適用性之再探究。 (二)、 我國高中職學生興趣差異情況之再探究。 (三)、 藝術型(A)獨特性之再探究。


The purpose of this study is the transition on the trend of normal and vocational school students’ vocational interesting, and according to the result to propose some suggestion for future research. On this study, we use Literature Analytic Method and Existing Statistics Method to do Statistical analysis. And focus on three parts: descriptive statistics test, the analysis of the interesting trend between different years, and Holland Vocational Interest Circle Theory. All initial data on this study are from “College Entrance Examination Center”, and we use MS Office Excel 2003 and SPSS 13.0 to analyze the testing results of normal and vocational students. 1. Descriptive Statistics Test: (Random Sampling from 1995, 2001, and 2005) The analysis of average, standard deviation-test, correlative variables, skewness and kurtosis, and MDS space structure. 2. Analysis of the Interesting Trend between Different Years: (Purposive Sampling from 1993, 2005) Analysis of testing question, percentage, and percentage deviation. 3. Holland Vocational Interest Circle Theory (Foreign literature 24 piece, local literature 16 piece, and 52 Random sampling (6 from 2001, and 6 from 2005)). Correlative variable, CI, p, Rs, and MDS space structure. According to the result of three research field, we propose some suggestion for government education department, normal and vocational school, and the organization of counseling and future research. 1. In Government Education Department: (1)To confer the similar question between normal and vocational high school education. (2)To confer the necessary of tertiary education universal. (3)To improve the course of the career planning 2. In Normal and Vocational School (1)To establish special characteristic of school and improve students’ occupational ability. (2)To develop school counseling function and help students’ self-Directed search and make their career planning. 3. In Organization of Counseling (1)To correct social value and to learn how to respect all family members. (2)Rebuild the family function and guide the important of mental hygiene. 4. In Future Research (1)Future research on Holland Vocational Interest Circle Theory on normal and vocational high school students. (2)Future research on normal and vocational high school students’ interest deviation. (3)Future research on peculiarity of art type (A).




