  • 學位論文


Hierarchical mobility of internal labor market-a case study of the C airlines company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 沈幼蓀


本研究引用內部勞動市場理論及職業生涯晉升模式,就國內C 航航空公司之員工資料,就職位、職等、年齡、年資及性別等著手分析。本研究首先全體正職員工近8300份樣本分析職等結構,再以高層主管考察其於C航航空公司職業生涯的代內流動特徵與模式。 具50年歷史的國際航空公司,因為其員工或主管均需具有語文及技能的專業培養,勞動條件比一般服務業優惠、員工離職率低,加上國內航空業就業市場較窄,所以晉升緩慢,員工平均年齡亦呈現較高情況,類似組織晉升模式中以資深/資歷為基礎(the seniority-based progression)的生涯進程,且晉升到初級主管職至少都需要10年以上,符合延遲選擇模式。修護人員和前艙駕駛因受限嚴格的法定資格,必須取得認證或通過技術考核才能晉升,類似守門員模式的流動。 服務年限和年齡有相互關係。進入時職等越高越容易晉升至一級主管位置;目前一級正主管以上人員(含外派國外)平均至少累積25年的資歷為主;年齡集中在55~59歲之間,也就是說,如果員工晚於30歲才進公司,就比較沒有機會晉升到主管。


This study adapts internal labor market theory and career advancement model, and conducts an empirical research based on C Airlines in Taiwan with its all employ data, such as position, rank, age, working experience, and gender. The samples of this research come from senior managers-to explore the feature and type of intergenerational mobility of personal career path from C Airlines. The international airline C company with 50-year history has slow promotion situation because their employees and managers needs to have language and professional skill qualification, lower employee turnover than other service industry, and smaller job market in domestic airline industry. Thus, its employee average age is higher. The promotion model is similar to “seniority-based progression”. It takes 10-years of working experience to promote to a junior manager, which fits in with “the late selection model”. Since maintenance staffs and cockpit pilots are limited to strict legal qualification, they must gain certification or pass technical appraisal to be promoted, it’s similar to the mobility of “the gate-keeping model”. Service period is related to age. The higher job level when entering in a company, the easier promotion to the manager level; nowadays, those who occupy higher levels manager are around 55 to 59 years with at least have 25 years working experience. It means if the employee joins in the company(including dispatched personnel) after 30 years old, then he or she has less chance to be promoted to the senior manager level.


22、曾敏傑;蕭淑滿,2008/08,兩性職業區隔的程度與變遷:勞動市場區隔的觀點。臺灣社會福利學刊 7卷1期:頁123-177。
