  • 學位論文


The study of Visual Preference, Perceived Naturalness and Environmental Attributes by using Ornamental Grasses on Construction Fence Greenization.

指導教授 : 李彥希


隨著都市建設的迅速發展,如何在密集的都市建設中拓展綠化空間、增加綠化量和綠覆率來提高都市的綠化水平,是都市中綠化營造一項重要的課題。向空中發展的垂直綠化則是都市中增加綠化量的主要途徑之一。近年來有關垂直綠化的研究較多偏重於探討環境效益、綠化類型和視覺偏好的層面,但在綠化植栽的運用上多數是運用園藝栽培種之植物,其通常需要投入較多的維護管理成本,而較少探討是否有其它具有觀賞價值又能節省水份澆灌、病蟲害防治等維護管理成本之綠化植物類型。觀賞草類不只具有型態上的美感,還具有較高的抗病蟲能力、耐旱等特性,僅需低度的維護管理即可產生高度的效益,因此本研究欲探討觀賞草類的植物運用在都市綠化空間中,其景觀偏好、自然度與環境屬性之關係。 本研究在探討觀賞草類用於工地圍籬綠美化時,受測者對其認知自然度、視覺偏好及環境屬性之差異,採用現地調查搭配照片模擬的方式,選取學者郭毓仁、李子芬(2000)台灣觀賞草之研究,文獻所列之台灣最常見的16種觀賞草種作為對象,並將其植栽型態分類為圓柱及扇形兩種花穗型態,其中考量到植栽生長高度在配置上的合適性,最終選取孟仁草與中國狼尾草兩種觀賞草作為模擬樣本,並搭配三種植栽常見的設計樣式:無圖案、自然曲線圖案及幾何圖案,以建築工地圍籬作為背景,搭配模擬出4張照片作為問卷照片,問卷調查以網路問卷方式蒐集,透過不同生長形態及設計樣式上搭配,探討其認知自然度、環境屬性及視覺偏好的差異,並探討其認知自然度、環境屬性及視覺偏好之間的關係。 研究結果顯示受測者對不同花穗形態之認知自然度有顯著差異;對不同花穗形態之視覺偏好亦有顯著差異;對不同花穗形態之一致性、神秘性有顯著差異。受測者對不同設計樣式之認知自然度有顯著差異;對不同設計樣式之視覺偏好亦有顯著差異;對不同設計樣式之環境屬性皆有顯著差異。而認知自然度與視覺偏好具有顯著相關,環境屬性中複雜性、易讀性及神秘性與視覺偏好具有顯著相關。


With the rapid development of urban construction, how to expand the green space, increase the rate of afforestation and green cover to improve the level of urban greening in the dense urban buildings is an important subject. The vertical greening developing into the air is one of the main ways to increase the city greening. In recent years, most studies about vertical greening focus on the level of environment benefit, greening types and of visual preference. But most green plants are cultivated horticultural plants, which usually require more maintenance and management cost. However, other greening plants that have ornamental value and water-saving, pest preventing features and other maintenance costs are less considered. Ornamental grasses not only have aesthetic sense of forms, also have the high ability of resisting diseases and pests, drought enduring and other features. Taking only a little maintenance and management can produce high benefit. Therefore, this research is to explore the relationship of landscape preference, naturalness, and environmental attributes of ornamental grasses used in urban green space. Field investigation together with picture simulation is adopted to discuss the public perceived naturalness, vision preference and environmental attribute difference when studying applying ornamental grass to paling afforesting and beautifying in construction sites in this research. The scholar Yu-Jen Kuo’s study on Taiwan’s ornamental grass is used and the 16 most common ornamental grass types of Taiwan listed in the study are adopted as the objects. The planting type of them is divided into columniform and fanshaped flower spike types. Chloris barbata and Chinese pennisetum are finally chosen as the simulative sample on considering the growth height appropriateness of the plant for the configuration. Three common planting design modes are selected: no pattern, natural curve pattern and geometric pattern. The questionnaire is made up of the construction site paling, which is the background, and four simulative pictures. It is an internet questionnaire and with matches of different growth forms and design patterns, the research discusses the cognition naturalness, environmental attribute and vision preference difference and the relationship between the three factors. The results indicated a significant difference on perceived naturalness of various head forms of individuals; there was also a significant difference to vision preference of various head forms; the consistence and mystique of various head forms had a significant difference. The results indicated a significant difference on cognition naturalness of various designs of individuals; there was also a significant difference to vision preference of various designs; the environmental attribute of various designs had significant differences. And, the perceived naturalness and vision preference had a significant relationship, and the complexity, readability and mystique had a significant relationship to vision preference.


