  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳健生


在台灣多山情況下,隨著東西向橫貫公路系統建設陸續完成,貫穿山區的長隧道也隨之增加,如已完工通車之國道五號北宜高速公路與北二高等均有不少隧道工程,不久前開放通車的雪山隧道即為一指標性代表。隧道本身為一半封閉空間,不同於一般開放式路段,除需設置通風、照明、監視設施等,其道路幾何設計與交通狀況也較一般道路特殊敏感。行車安全為公路長隧道最重要課題之一,然而影響行車安全包含之因素,除對安全威脅程度較高之火災與危險物品外溢等事件外,尚包含意外事故、車輛故障、施工維修,甚至交通擁塞等。廣義而言,凡是造成隧道中車輛曝光量異常增加者,均會提高其行車風險,因此須加以適當的管理控制,以維護隧道行車的安全。 本研究針對雪山隧道之車流特性進行分析,並考量隧道安全與行車效率下,探討不同控制策略對行車效率之影響,透過不同績效值之評定,提供管理者做為決策之參考。在策略研擬方面,本研究考量以效率、安全為導向,以流量管制、隧道內之平均速度控制做為控制目標,並以旅行時間、隧道入口前延滯時間、等候效應來評估各項策略。經由一系列的評估分析,本研究結果顯示,隨著管制進入量的減少或通過隧道內平均速度增加,隧道入口前之每輛車平均延滯時間、等候持續時間、通過隧道時間、最長等候線長度與等候線消散時間皆隨之增加,而隧道內行駛旅行時間越短。


Due to the geographical obstructions in Taiwan, the East-West Expressway traffic systems and the tunnels which pass through the mountain areas are built continually. The tunnel projects can be found in National Expressway No.5. , Taipei-Ilan Expressway and Northern National Highway No.2. In all of the tunnel projects, the Hsuehshan Tunnel can be the most representative one. The tunnel is a kind of half-closed space which is different from the general opened route. In these constructions, the aerator, lighting and monitor systems are needed and the geometric design of the route and the traffic service are more special than other routes. One of the most important concerns of long road tunnels is traffic safety. However, the elements that may affect the traffic safety are not only the conflagration and the spillover of hazardous goods are critical for the tunnel safety but also accidents, car breakdown, route maintenance and even traffic congestion. In general, cause the vehicle in the tunnel expose to measure an excrescent increment, all will raise car’s risk, so must take into an appropriate management control to safeguard the car’s security in the tunnel. This research mainly focuses on the traffic flow in Hsuehshan Tunnel and has an analysis on it. To discuss the effects of different controlling strategies under tunnel safety and traffic efficiency. The project is expected to provide the managers suggestions through various performance evaluations. To design the strategies, this research takes efficiency and safety as approaches. The traffic flow control and the average speed limitation are the controlling target. The strategies are evaluated by traveling time, delay of entrancing and the effect of Queue. Through the systematic evaluation, the research shows that with the control of decreasing the entrance traffic flow or increase the average speed, the delay, waiting time in front of the entrance, the time of passing the tunnel, Queue’s length and disappearing of Queue’s length all increase immediately, but the time of passing the tunnel is shorter.


5. 交通部運輸研究所,「台灣地區公路容量手冊」,民90年3月。
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11. 吳健生、俞裕中,「建立公路隧道安全評估方法」,臺灣公路工程第32卷第13期,民國95年7月。
17. 俞裕中,「公路隧道安全評估方法與應用-以雪山隧道為例」,碩士論文,中央大學土木工程學系,民國95年6月。
33. Leins,W. ,Baltzer, W., “Betriebseinrichtungen in Strabentunneln”, Gutachten im Auftrag des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland, 1987.


