  • 學位論文


Relationship among Basic Psychological Needs, Music Interest, and Learning Behavior of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 鄭明長


摘要 學號:M10070017 論文名稱:國中生基本心理需求、音樂學習興趣與學習行為之關係 總頁數:99 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:101學年度第2學期 碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:郭明琦 指導教授:鄭明長 博士 論文摘要: 本研究主要目的如下:(一)探討基本心理需求對適應性行為及不適應行為的關係;(二)探討基本心理需求對個人興趣的關係;(三)探討基本心理需求對情境興趣的關係;(四)分析個人興趣、情境興趣對學習行為(適應性、不適應性)的關係;(五)探討個人興趣、情境興趣在基本心理需求對學習行為的中介效果。 本研究為了解上述研究目的,採用問卷調查方式進行研究。研究工具為基本心理需求量表、音樂科學習興趣量表、適應性行為量表和不適應性行為量表,並抽取1260名國中學生的自陳資料,剔除無效問卷60份後,有效問卷為1200份。以SPSS 17.0對1200份有效問卷進行分析,並以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、多元回歸、和階層迴歸分析,考驗各項假設。本研究的發現如下: 一、自主需求、勝任感需求、能正向預測努力和堅持;自主需求、勝任 感需求、連繫感需求能負向預測逃避求助;自主需求、勝任感需求 能負向預測逃避生疏和自我設限。 二、自主需求、勝任感需求、及連繫感需求能正向預測潛在興趣、現實 興趣。 三、自主需求、勝任感需求、連繫感需求能正向預測文本興趣、任務興趣、知識興趣。 四、潛在興趣、現實興趣能正向預測努力;任務興趣正向預測努力;潛在興趣、現實興趣能正向預測堅持;任務興趣、知識興趣能正向預測堅持。潛在興趣能負向預測逃避生疏、自我設限;現實興趣能負向預測逃避求助、逃避生疏、自我設限;文本興趣能負向預測逃避求助、逃避生疏、自我設限;任務興趣能負向預測逃避生疏;知識興趣負向預測逃避求助、自我設限。 五、個人興趣、情境興趣在自主需求、勝任感需求對適應性行為能達到中介效果;情境興趣在自主需求對不適應性行為能達到中介效果。 本研究根據研究結果提出具體建議,供國中教學、學習輔導及未來 研究之參考。 關鍵詞:基本心理需求、學習興趣、適應性行為、不適應性行為


Abstract Student ID:M10070017 Title of Thesis:Relationship among Basic Psychological Needs, Music Interest, and Learning Behavior of Junior High School Students Total Pages:99 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department/Graduate Instiute:Graduate Instiute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation:June, 2013 Degree Conferred:Master Name of Student:Kuo, Ming-Chi Advisor:Dr. Cheng, Ming-Chang Abstract: The purpose of this study is: (a) to explore the relationship between the basic psychological needs and the adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, (b) to examine the relationship between the basic psychological needs and the personal interest, (c) to investigate the relationship between the basic psychological needs and the situational interest, (d) to analyze the personal interest and the situational interest and how they affect the relationship between students’ adaptive and maladaptive learning behaviors, (e) to find out whether the personal interest and situational interest will interfere with students’ basic psychological needs and their learning behaviors that generates a mediated effect in their relationship. In order to meet the above-mentioned goal, a self-report questionnaire was designed and used for the study’s data analysis. The instruments of this study included Basic Psychological Needs Scale, Musical Learning Interest Scale, Adaptive Learning Behavior Scale, and Maladaptive Learning Behavior Scale. There was a total of 1260 participants recruited from junior high schools participated in the study. Each student was given the questionnaire and self-reported upon each questions on the questionnaire. Among the 1260 samples,1200 participants were responsive and considered them as effective sample. The rest of 60 participants’ responses were null and considered as invalid data for the study. The study used the tool of SPSS 17.0 to analyze the data as well as used the descriptive statistic, one-sample t-test, multiple regressions, and multiple regression analysis to test various hypotheses. The results of this study showed that: 1. The need of autonomy and the need of competence were positively related to students’ effort and persistence. The need of autonomy, the need of competence, and the need of connection were negatively related to students’ avoidance of seeking help. The need of autonomy and the need of competence can negatively predict the avoidance of unfamiliarity and self-limitation. 2. The need of autonomy, the need of competence, and the need of connection can positively predict students’ potential interest and actual interest. 3. The need of autonomy, the need of competence, and the need of connection can positively predict text-based interest, task-based interest, and knowledge-based interest. 4. The potential interest and the actual interest were positively related to students’ effort. Also, task-based interest was positively related to students’ effort; the potential interest and the actual interest can positively predict students’ persistence. In addition, the task-based interest and the knowledge-based interest were positively related to students’ persistence. The potential interest was negatively related to the avoidance of unfamiliarity and self limitation. The actual interest was negatively related to the avoidance of seeking help, the avoidance of unfamiliarity, and the self-limitation. The task-based interest can negatively predict the avoidance of unfamiliarity; however, the knowledge –based interest can negatively predict the avoidance of seeking help and the self-limitation. 5. The personal interest and the situational interest influenced and interfered with the need of autonomy, the need of competence, and the adaptive behavior, which indicated that there was a mediated effect found in their relationships. The situational interest also affected the basic psychological needs and students’maladaptive behavior and a mediated effect was also found in their relationship. The results of the study offered several concrete suggestions that might facilitate future education and implication in junior high schools. Meanwhile, the findings also provided a guidance and resource for future research. Key Words: basic psychological needs, learning interest, adaptive behavior, maladaptive behavior,


李其龍 譯(1991)。普通教育學。(Johann Friedrich Herbart , 1806)。
