  • 學位論文


Dynamic Simulation Model for Urban Green Space

指導教授 : 何友鋒


都市為人口高度集中與工商業興盛發展之地區,無論質與量都呈現快速提高和擴張,人們為了獲得更多的效益,常以開發建設取代綠色空間為主要手段;然而,不斷追求都市發展的結果,不僅原有環境資源被大量的消耗,更是造成都市微氣候異常、生活環境品質下降且破壞循環平衡的生態系統之主要因素,成為當代都市永續發展的阻礙。有鑑於此,本研究依據都市生態學為理論基礎,利用系統工程及系統動態學技術建立都市綠色空間指標體系及指標體系之間的因果關係,並置入 STELLA 程式語言建構系統動態模式,再以台中市為實證對象,模擬系統整體的動態變化,藉由不同情境模擬,解決開發空間與綠色空間之競合關係,進而提出都市綠色空間發展對策;研究結果顯示以都市生態學為研究理論基礎所建構之都市綠色空間系統具有架構完整性,從都市綠色空間和都市發展的複雜因果關係,瞭解綠色空間系統在都市內運作的情形,進而發掘影響都市綠色空間關鍵因子,有助於印證文獻中的各種論述;模擬結果證實都市綠色空間增加與都市發展之提昇互不違背,皆呈現成長態勢,但受限於都市空間面積範圍、都市人口變動、都市經濟強弱及各分區土地的競爭力之因素,仍將對綠色空間產生負面影響,因此仍需要藉由政策推展,從自身子系統至跨系統的改變才有顯著影響力,改善都市空間環境。


The city, where the population is highly centralized and the industry and commerce are prosperously developed, is in fast improvement and expansion both in quality and quantity. To obtain more benefits, people often focus on urban development and construction and the green space is gradually taken up. Such constant urban development leads to huge consumption of previous environmental resources, abnormalities in the urban microclimate, degradation on living environment, and destruction on cyclic balance of the ecosystem, having been the obstacle of sustainable development for modern cities. Given the above, the research, based on the theory of urban ecology, makes use of the techniques of systems engineering and system dynamics to build the index system for urban green space and the cause and effect within the index system. It also injects STELLA programming language to establish system dynamics model, makes Taichung as the practice object and simulates the overall dynamic changes of the system. By simulating different situations, it improves the copetitive relations between development space and green space, therefore to bring forward development strategies for urban green space expansion; the research result shows that the urban green space system based on the theory of urban ecology has structural integrity. From complex cause and effect between urban green space and urban development, we learn about the operation of urban green space system, furthermore to discover key factors affecting urban green space, helping prove all kinds of dissertations in the documents. The simulation result proves that there are no conflicts between urban green space expansion and promotion of urban development, both in a state of growth. However, limited by the factors such as the area and scope of urban space, urban population changes, urban economic strength, and the competitive strength among different areas, green space will also be negatively affected. Therefore, some more governmental policies should still be offered to promote it. If changes take place from subsystems to cross-systems, it will have an extraordinary power to improve urban space environment.


3.王小璘,1999,”都市公園綠量視覺評估之研究”,《設計學報》,第4卷,第1期,PP. 61-90
34.吳振發、林裕彬,2006,”汐止市土地利用時空間變遷模式”,《都市與計劃》,第33卷,第3期,PP. 231-259


