  • 學位論文


The status, needs, and difficulties of in-service education for after-school child care workers

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究旨在探討課後照顧服務人員在職進修情況、需求與困難。研究目的有以下四點:一、了解課後照顧服務人員在職進修之情況,與課後照顧服務人員背景變項及機構變項之關係。二、了解課後照顧服務人員在職進修之需求,與課後照顧服務人員背景變項及機構變項之關係。三、了解課後照顧服務人員在職進修之困難,與課後照顧人員服務背景變項及機構變項之關係。四、根據研究結果提供政府單位、師訓機構及課後照顧機構進行課後照顧服務人員在職進修時之參考。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,研究對象為校外課後照顧中心與校內課後照顧班照顧服務人員。共發問卷1,008份,回收問卷505份,有效問卷數421份,有效問卷回收率41.8%。問卷回收後以SPSS12.0統計套裝軟體進行分析,統計方法採描述性統計、卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等進行分析。另外,立意取樣3位現職照顧服務人員進行訪談,更深入了解其在職進修現況、需求與困難。最後,再依資料結果進行分析與討論。 本研究獲得以下結論: 1.課後照顧服務人員參與進修情況以「機構內學習進修」最多。進修時間、進修費用與訊息獲得管道會因不同進修方式而有差異。 2.不同個人變項(例如:年資、學生身分)與機構變項(例如:教師人數)與課後照顧服務人員進修情況有差異。 3.課後照顧服務人員未來進修需求以「機構內學習進修」最高,校外課後照顧服務人員以「機構外短期研習進修」需求最高,校內課後照顧服務人員以「機構內學習進修需求」最高。 4.課後照顧服務人員未來進修時間需求以「寒暑假」最高,校外課後照顧服務人員以「週六及週日」最高,校內課後照顧服務人員以「寒暑假」最高。 5.課後照顧服務人員在職進修課程需求以「兒童行為輔導」、「兒童醫療保健及意外事故急救訓練」最高,校外課後照顧服務人員以「教師情緒管理」需求最高,校內課後照顧服務人員以「兒童醫療保健及意外事故急救訓練」需求最高。 6.不同個人變項(例如:年齡、學歷)與機構變項(例如:教師人數、班級數)與課後照顧服務人員進修需求有差異。 7.課後照顧服務人員參與進修之困難以「進修時間不符合」最多。 8.不同個人變項(例如:性別、學歷)與機構變項(例如:機構位置)與課後照顧服務人員進修困難有差異。 本研究提出以下建議: 1.廣設進修管道與豐富多元的課程內容提供課後照顧服務人員選擇。 2.考量距離與交通因素,進修地點設置應考量較偏遠地區的課後照顧服務人員的需求。 3.結合網際網路,推廣網路進修。 對未來研究的建議: 1.就研究主題而言,可針對在職進修成效等議題進行探討。 2.就研究對象而言,可擴大至其他縣市或台灣地區的課後照顧服務人員。 3.就研究方法而言,可利用實地觀察、個案研究或行動研究等方式進行研究。


This study is intended to study the status, needs, and difficulties of in-service education for after-school child care workers. There are four research objectives: 1.To study the status of in-service education for after-school child care workers and its relations to personal and program characteristics; 2. To study the needs of in-service education for after-school child care workers and its relations to personal and program characteristics; 3. To study the difficulties of in-service education for after-school child care workers and its relations to personal and program characteristics; 4. To provide suggestions to government, educational organizations, and after-school child care organizations in planning in-service education activities. The study used a questionnaire survey to collect date. Research participants included after-school child care workers in and outside elementary schools in Taichung? .SPSS12.0 was used to analyze data, and descriptive analyses, chi-square, t-test, ANOVA’s, Pearson product moment correlation tests were conducted. In addition, 3bafter-school child care workers were interviewed to provide in-depth information about their status, needs, and difficulties of in-service education. Research findings include: 1.Most of after-school child care workers attended lessons provided inside the organization. Time, cost and sources of information varied depending different types of in-service education. 2.The status of in-service education of after-school child care workers varied from personal and program characteristics. 3.The need for in-service education within the organization was ranked the highest by after-school child care workers. The need for short-term in-service education outside the organization was ranked the highest by after-school child care workers who worked outside of elementary schools. The need for in-service education within the organization was ranked the highest by after-school child care workers who worked in elementary schools. 4.Winter and summer vacations were ranked as the best time for in-service education for after-school child care workers. Weekends were ranked as the best time for in-service education for after-school child care workers outside elementary schools. Winter and summer vacations were ranked as the best time for in-service education for after-school child care workers within elementary schools.. 5.“Guidance of Children’s behaviors” and “Children’s Health Care and First-Aid Training for Emergency Accidents” were ranked top two needed courses by after-school child care workers. “Teacher’s Emotional Management” was raned as the top one needed course by after-school child care workers wihin elementary schools. “Children’s Health Care and First-Aid Training for Emergency Accidents” was ranked top one needed courses by after-school child care workers within elementary schools. 6.Personal and organization characteristics were related to the needs of in-service education of after-school child care workers. 7.Time of in-service education did not fit into schedule was ranked top one difficulty by after-school child care workers. 8.Personal and organization characteristics were related to difficulties of after-school child care workers. This study provides the following suggestions: 1.To provide more in-service education methods and diverse courses to after-school child care workers. 2.For distance and traffic reason, the location of in-service education should be considered,especially, for after-school child care workers in in remote area. 3.E-learning should be promoted and encouraged. Suggestions for future research: 1.For research topics, the effects of in-service education can be further studied. 2.For research participants, other areas in Taiwan can be studied. 3.For research methods, field observation, case study, or action research can be used to study in-service education.




