  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Results of Students' Reflection and Learning Effectiveness in a Service-Learning Curriculum – A Case Study for “Applied Chemistry Service-Learning Program” in a University of Technology

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


臺中朝陽科技大學應用化學系開設的「應化服務學習」課程,屬於具有服務學習內涵之專業領域課程,修課的大學生透過準備、服務、反思與慶賀之學習歷程,為當地的國中、國小學生及社區服務機構,提供以化學專業技術為基礎之科普推廣服務。本研究旨在探討大學生參與專業課程融入服務學習之學習成效,並根據服務中與服務後兩階段反思之內涵為依據,分析學生的參與態度與能力提升之影響,同時探討其與學習成效間之關聯程度。經過以101與102學年度共149位修課之大二學生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行量化研究,再以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定與相關性分析等統計方法。經過研究分析與綜合歸納,獲得以下之結論: 一、「應化服務學習」課程的學期成績與課程滿意度—101學年有顯著正相關;102學年無顯著相關。 二、性別於課程滿意度無顯著差異,對學期成績—101學年無顯著差異,102學年女生顯著優於男生;專業分組於課程滿意度及學期成績皆無顯著影響。 三、「應化服務學習」課程對五項能力均能提升,「服務能力」與「協調溝通」最高,「專業知能」較低;兩學年之各項能力提升均有顯著正向相關;課程學期成績對與各項能力提升—101學年有顯著正向相關,102學年無顯著相關;課程滿意度與各項能力提升-101學年無顯著相關,102學年有顯著正向相關。 四、第二階段反思過程對大學生五個層面的參與態度都有提升,「人際互動」及「自我觀感」的提升達顯著水準,「多元接納」積分最高。 五、「普通化學」與「應化服務學習」兩門專業課程學期成績間有顯著正相關;與「應化服務學習」課程滿意度間則無顯著相關。 六、「應化服務學習」課程之前後兩屆大學生的學習成效有顯著差異;能力提升除「專業知能」外均有顯著差異;參與態度無顯著差異。 七、「應化服務學習」課程結合科普推廣之模式,符合大學生與社區互惠、雙贏的期望。 根據研究結論,提出以下建議:教師審慎的引導反思,強化學生的學習與成長;反思方式應多元化,引導學生創造積極正向的經驗;將服務學習融入各專業科目,增加服務機會與頻率,使學生學以致用,進而提升學習成效。


The service learning courses of Chaoyang University of Technology, Applied Chemistry are professional learning areas which include service and learning together. The Through the learning process of preparation, servicing, self-reflection, and revising, the college students who took these courses would provide their services to the local junior, elementary schools and community service centers with their professional chemistry knowledge in order to promote popularization of science. The goal of the present study is to explore the learning effectiveness of the college students who took the service learning courses which require students to provide their acquired professional knowledge into the community services. Furthermore, the analysis of students’ attitude of participation and elevation of their academic ability would be explored basing on their self reflective notes during and after the service time and the correlation between the analysis and the learning effectiveness of the students would also be discussed. The participants of the present study were 149 sophomores taking the service learning course in the academic year of 101 and 102. The quantitative research method was adopted with the use of questionnaires. In addition, descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, paired-sample t test, and correlation analysis were conducted and the conclusions are as follows: 1. The correlation between participants’ academic grades and their responses toward the survey questionnaire of course satisfaction shows significant positive correlation for the academic year 101 and none for those of 102. 2. No gender difference was found among the overall course satisfaction survey. Even though, the female participants were found to perform distinctively better than their counter parts academically in the school year of 102, no such gap (between the two) was found in the school year of 101. 3. The service learning program was reported to enhance the participants’ abilities in terms of five indexes with “service ability” and “communication and coordination skills” indicators the highest and “professional knowledge and skills” the lowest. The ability indexes were significantly elevated and correlated positively to each other in both academic years. The academic performance of the participants was positively correlated to the enhancement of the ability indexes in the academic year of 101 while there was no such positive correlation found in the year of 102. Moreover, participants’ overall sanctification toward the program did not show significant correlation with their enhancements of ability indexes in the school year of 101, yet the two were positively correlated in the year of 102. 4. The second phase - self-reflective process elevated the students’ attitudes of participation toward the five aspects, with the aspects of “interpersonal interaction” and "self-perception" reached the significant levels and the “multicultural awareness” ones accumulated the highest points. 5. Participants’ academic performances after taking the two courses, “general Chemistry” and “service learning”, were significantly correlated while there was no distinctive difference found between participants’ academic performances and their satisfaction toward the courses. 6. The learning effectiveness of the participants was significantly different before and after the training of “service learning” program; for the enhancement of respective ability indexes, only the indicator of “professional knowledge and skills” reached a distinctive difference. No difference was found for attitudes toward participation. 7. The Service and Learning program of Applied Chemistry department is hoped to promote the popularity of general science to publics and reaches the goals of reciprocal and win-win situation for the college students and the community members.


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