  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of Attractiveness, Recreational Experience and Satisfaction of Camping on the Intentions to Revisit.

指導教授 : 楊欽城 楊文廣


本研究目的旨在探討露營的吸引力、遊憩體驗、滿意度對重遊意願之影響研究,並瞭解不同背景變項的露營者對研究變項之差異情形。本研究以湖泊型與海濱型營區的露營者為研究對象,共發放364份問卷,回收有效問卷300份,有效回收率為85.7%。所得樣本經描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與M-Plus 5.0套裝軟體線性結構方程式分析後,獲得結論如下:一、露營者以女性居多,年齡以34-41歲居多,露營經驗以一年(含) 以下居多,同行成員以家人/親戚居多,露營方式以睡帳篷居多,露營資訊來源以親友告知居多,露營型態以海濱型居多。二、吸引力變項,以「親近大自然使身心感到舒暢」同意度最高;遊憩體驗變項,以「露營會讓我與朋友(或家人)更為親近」同意度最高;滿意度變項,以「自然景觀的視野廣闊度」同意度最高。三、不同背景變項對各研究變項均有部份差異存在。四、露營之吸引力對遊憩體驗有正向影響;吸引力對滿意度無正向影響;吸引力對重遊意願無正向影響;遊憩體驗對滿意度有正向影響;遊憩體驗對重遊意願有正向影響;滿意度對重遊意願無正向影響。最後根據研究獲得結論,可提供給相關單位或露營區業者在經營上之建議,例如業者可以透過媒體或網路的方式提高曝光率;露營區可多增設體驗的元素,提供親子或團康的套裝活動等,來提升露營區的滿意度,使露營者對露營的重遊意願也提高,亦對有興趣研究者提出後續研究建議。


The present study proposed to investigate the influence of attractiveness, recreational experience and satisfaction of camping on the campers’ intentions to revisit, and explored how campers of various backgrounds varied with various variables in question regarding campers’ revisiting intentions. The study surveyed campers camping in lakeside and coastal sites. A total of 364 questionnaires were sent, and 300 of them returned valid (the return rate being 85.7%). The data were examined by descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, one-way ANOVA along with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Mplus Version 5.0. The results are as follows: 1) The majority campers are females aging between 34 and 41 with one year (or less) of experience. Most of them camp with family and/or friends, and sleep in a tent. Most of the information (for camping) is gathered from the words of mouth of their family/relatives. Camping in coastal campgrounds constitutes the majority in the study; 2) “Being close to nature induces feelings of well-being” tops responses in the variable of Attractiveness of Camping, while “Camping helps building a closer relationship among family members and friends”, in the variable of Recreational Experience, and “The magnificence of natural landscapes”, in the variable of Satisfaction; 3) It is observed that background variations in campers manifest slight variations with regards to the variables under investigation; 4) Attractiveness of Camping positively affects Recreational Experience of Camping, and Recreational Experience positively affects Satisfaction and Intentions to Revisit. Attractiveness shows no positive effect on Satisfaction and Intentions to Revisit; Satisfaction does not positively affect Intentions to Revisit, either. Suggestions are made accordingly for government and private campground owners, and directions for further studies.




