  • 期刊


Introduction to Games for People With Dementia


失智症依症狀嚴重度可分為輕度、中度及重度失智,未發病前的預防及早期診斷為失智症的照護重點之一。輕度認知功能障礙(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)為正常老化到失智症發病前一個認知功能變化的過渡時期。當病患出現MCI時,若能提早擬定治療方針,決定治療方式,應可延緩部分症狀的惡化。研究已證實非藥物治療可以改善認知退化的程度及減少精神行為症狀的發生,並可訓練失智症患者的日常生活功能。除了常見的懷舊治療、音樂治療、認知訓練、認知刺激及芳香療法外,遊戲治療也是非藥物治療的方式之一。此外,遊戲也可做為評估及篩選潛在危險族群的工具,期望經由容易取得、容易操作並可負擔的遊戲,讓失智症病患及照顧者能以更輕鬆愉悅的方式面對治療,將治療無痕的融入生活休閒中,當治療不再只是治療,將能增強使用動機,達到較優化的治療效果。本篇文章針對數個失智症遊戲進行介紹及比較,以便提供失智症家屬及醫療專業人員在照護失智症患者時的參考。


失智症 遊戲 治療


Dementia is typically classified into mild, moderate, and severe stages based on symptom severity. Prevention and early diagnosis is one of the care goals for dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a transitional stage between the cognitive changes of normal aging and dementia. Initiating an appropriate treatment regimen and methods at a sufficiently early stage has been shown to be effective in postponing the onset of dementia. Previous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of non-pharmacological treatments in improving the cognitive functions, reducing the onset of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and training the physical functions of daily living in patients diagnosed with MCI. Game therapy, in addition to reminiscence therapy, music therapy, cognitive training, cognitive stimulation, and aromatherapy, is one of these non-pharmacological treatments. Moreover, game therapy may be used as a tool to screen individuals for symptoms of dementia. Using easily accessible, user-friendly, and affordable games, patients with dementia and their caregivers may receive their therapy in a more relaxed and enjoyable manner. Patients and their caregivers who perceive a prescribed therapy as a game are expected to exhibit higher motivation to use, which should result in better treatment outcomes. This paper will introduce and compare several games for people with dementia, providing valuable information for caregivers and healthcare professionals who are responsible for caring for patients with dementia.


dementia games therapy


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