  • 期刊


Influence of Processing Conditions on Normal Permeability of Filament Reinforced Nonwoven



地工織物使用於大地工程中至今已有二十餘年的歷史,一般說來為使大 地土壤有很好之穩定性,地工織物本身需有良好的水滲透性,且大地土壤不 會因為地工織物本身纖維與纖維之間孔隙過大而致使流失。因此,本實驗自行研發之新式的開纖系統。利用此系統將長纖開散後, 將其鋪疊於兩層預軋棉網間,籍以補強三明治結構不織布之性能。此外,本 實驗亦探討經長纖補強後的長纖含量及針軋密度對於其正向透水性質的彩 響。結果顯示,當長纖含量200 glm2至400 g/m2且針軋密度至400 needle/cm2時,長纖的開散會使得長纖補強不織布之正向透水率呈下 降的趨勢。


Geotextile was used in the civil engineering over twenty years. Generally, geotextile needed excellent permeability in order to get high stability in soil, and its couldn't flow by larger gap inside geotextile. Therefore, we designed a new spread filament system in this study. Filament was spread by this system, and then was laid between two layer pre-needling web to reinforce the mechanical properties of the nonwoven with sandwich structure. In addition, we a1so discussed the influence of filament content and needling intensity on normal permeability of the nonwoven that contained filament.The result showed that normal permeability of spread filament was decreased when filament content from 200 g/m2 to 400 gI m2 and needling intensity from 200 needIe/ cm2 to 400 needIe/ cm2.
