  • 期刊

A Study of the Impacts of Organization Infrastructure on Knowledge Management Process, Innovation Capability and Organization Management Performance



知識經濟與知識管理皆是指以知識與管理為核心,結合科技、創新、企業家精神、網際網路、全球化、競爭力等因素的新商業模式,正如管理大師Peter Drucker所言:「未來五十年,在全球經濟中屬於領導地位的,將是那些成功地提升知識工作者生產力的國家和企業。」;由上述可知,知識管理於近幾年來已漸漸被組織視為主要核心競爭優勢之一,因此,若一組織能有效利用、散佈組織內既有之知識,並防範且避免組織內部之知識被競爭者利用和仿蝕,或暸解與合作夥伴相互分享、傳遞或接收知識……等,如此一來,組織將可擁有其特有的競爭優勢;然,知識已成為組織內關鍵性生產資源之一,但其與傳統生產資源(土地、勞工、資本)間存有根本性之差異,如知識其備無形之特性、運用後效用遞增且可產生差異性,個人與組織知識間的互動循環關係等;因此,企業於亟欲有效掌握組織知識資源的同時,實務上卻因前述特性而有所困難。再者,知識管理議題在當代日益受到重視,各領域均積極投入相關研究,除了突顯此議題之重要性外,但也造成各觀點呈現殊異現象,如範疇觀點著重於探討知識內容、決策觀點探討知識應用與其對員工之影響、組織觀點則聚焦於知識創造、記憶與使用……等,再再都凸顯了組織管理知識資源之重要性;然,知識管理議題現仍屬探索研究階段,國內、外許多研究學者競相投入研究,對此一議題已獲得不少的卓越研究成果,但本研究認為過去文獻尚有三點不足之處:其一,過去之研究多僅描述理想的知識管理架構,如Jung-Hwan & Young-Gul (2001)整合模型、Nonaka(2000)四項棋組廣義知識管理模型、Arthur Andersen & APQC (1996)七項知識管理活動模型等,但缺乏實證分析研究,無法探究各構面間的關係。其次,過去之研究欠缺知識應用議題將無法彰顯知識管理的效益(鄭安裕,民國90年)。再者,以往對知識管理研究多著重於高科技產業,但由文獻探討中發現,目前紡織產業面對科技與技術不斷的創新,再加上消費者的喜好變化越來越快,透過有效之組織學習,以對外吸取流行知識和新舊技術能力的交互運用,對於紡織業而言無疑是其生存或進而獲得競爭優勢的重要課題(鄭睿祺,民國90年)。


Knowledge management has become a critical issue in the 21st century since it has become one of the key competitive factors in the world marketplace. However, the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition, conversion, and application in the organization internal knowledge management process heavily rely on organization infrastructure, i.e. information technology, organization structure, and organization culture. Previous research on knowledge management is plentiful. However, very little empirical study and knowledge application research has been conducted. Therefore, it is important to investigate the relationship among dimensions if we want to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge management. This study primarily explores the impact of organization infrastructure on the knowledge management process, innovation capability, and organization management performance in an enterprise. First, we investigate the connotation of the dimension formed by knowledge management, then study the relationship between the knowledge management process, innovation capability and organizational management performance. Finally, we investigate the impacts of organization infrastructure on knowledge management process, innovation capability, and organization management performance. This research is quantitative in basis, and the research framework and four hypotheses have been derived based on review of relevant literature. Questionnaires were distributed to companies in Taiwan textile industry. While knowledge management prevails in the high-tech industry, the textile industry was chosen because it is interesting to see how conventional industry is performing in knowledge management. In addition, the textile industry in Taiwan has been playing an important role for the past 40 years, not only in building up for the Taiwanese economic miracle, but also for earning a trade surplus for Taiwan. Findings of this research indicate that innovation capability has a positive influence on organization management performance. Knowledge management processes have positive impacts on innovation capability. Furthermore, the assertion that internal organization infrastructure impacts knowledge management processes and innovation capability is partially supported since the variants of information technology and organization culture are not significant in the Liserel model. From this research we found that the learning capacity and innovative capacity of an organization are inseparable, and the quality of an organization's learning capacity can influence its operating performance and innovative capacity.


