  • 期刊


Relationship Among Attractiveness on International Sports Event, Tourism Benefit and Attitude Toward Sports Tourism Development




The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the hosting of an international sports event will affect people's view about attractiveness on international sports event, tourism benefit and attitude towards sports tourism development. Total three-hundred and sixty-four people who participated in the Tianmu Baseball Stadium of the 2017 Universiade Summer Games were recruited, and completed questionnaires through the convenient sampling procedure. This study found that attractiveness on international sports event predicts the tourism benefit in simple regression, and the explanatory variance was 28.7%. When add-in attitude toward sport tourism development, the explanatory variance was 44%. On the other hand, in multiple stepwise regressions to understand the important impact factors of each items, we found attractiveness on international sports event had three factors that could affect attitude towards sport tourism development. It was found that the social and cultural aspects, technical performance and achievement pursuit impact were the important factors, and the multivariate correlation coefficient was .681, its cumulative explanatory variation was 46.4%. We further found that the social and cultural aspects of tourism benefit were important factors. From the path coefficient, the result of the study suggests that the attractiveness on international sports event has a direct effect on the attitude toward sport tourism development. It means that the attractiveness on international sports event games has a positive impact on the attitude towards sport tourism development. The mediating effect is that tourism benefit increases the public's recognition of attitude towards sport tourism development.


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