  • 期刊


Governance Innovation of Developmental State under the Globalized Risk Challenges-Burgeoning Civil Knowledge on Risk Policy Supervision inTaiwan




Based on the perspective of global risk threats, this paper probes into how, by the innovation of regulatory paradigms and institutions, could a country and society moves toward a systemic reform into learned, innovative and participative development from a rapidly changing society. The author not only examines the paradox of our government’s transformative capacity that under the historical construction’s developmental state, but also points out the dilemma of decisionmaking of technocracy in contemporary global with the uncertainties of technology and risk. Especially, through classification of four recent policy controversies, we could see the importance of civil epistemology:for assuring the legitimacy of decision-making and retrieving the trust of public, the government should re-examines the risk distribution and the social fair under uncertain risk. Also, constructs a transparent, democraticparticipatory communication mechanism of risk to include the robotic social surveillance–civil knowledge and value discourses, into decisionmaking mechanism.Finally, by introducing the governance paradigms of technology and institutional reforms from major international organizations and countries, the author suggests that the government should start up form values, institutions and practices to a systemic governance reform. We should study up the governance of technology on a white paper, revise the basic technology law and build the mechanism of social impact assessmentof technology to establish the institutional approach of governance innovation. Particularly on important issues, the government should immediately operates an open reform on the risk of communication in the steps of policy discussions, policy feasibility assessments and policy executions, to re-build the partnership between the government and the society on facing global risk threats and challenges, and recuperates hung governance gap caused by innovative delay.


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