  • 期刊


Case Study of Teacher-Student Behaviors during Adaptive Physical Education


本研究旨在探討國小體育教師於啟聰班施予適應體育教學之師生行爲個案研究。本研究採用質化與量化兩種研究方式進行,本研究對象包括一位體育老師及啟聰班高年級學生,男生五名,女生一名,共六名。針對啟聰班學生的個別需求,設計各兩節的羽球教學與排球教學的適應體育課程,教學過程全程錄音錄影,以PETAI (Physical Education Teacher Assessment Instrument, PETAI)師生行爲系統觀察法分析教師行爲及學生行爲,並以質性訪談方法,進一步探討教師行爲與學生行爲的表現情形。研究資料經過百分比統計與編碼整理分析之後,獲得以下結果: 一、體育教師行爲時間分配:教學行爲佔整體教師行爲時間的85.6~81.49%;管理行爲時間佔整體教師行爲時間的14.4%~17.63%。分析教學行爲類目發現,以「反應講解」的時間最多,「動機回饋」的時間最少。分析管理行爲類目,以「組織分組」的時間最多,「其他事件」的時間最少。 二、學生行爲時間分配:體育教師教學時,學生的參與行爲佔學生行爲的89.1%~83.7%,管理行爲佔學生行爲的10.9%~16.3%。分析學生參與行爲類目發現,以「分配技術學習時間」的時間最多,「熱身與複習」的時間最少。分析學生管理行爲類目發現,以「行爲管理」的時間最多,以「其他事件」的時間最少。


This study aims to explore the teacher and student behavior resulted from adapted physical education applied by elementary school physical education teacher in a hearing impaired class. Both qualitative and quantitative data are collected. The subjects of this study are one physical education teacher and five boy students and one girl student from a hearing impaired class. Two class periods of badminton class and two class periods of volleyball class were specially designed fro the students in the hearing impaired class. The teaching instruction was videotaped and analyzed by PETAI (Physical Education Teacher Assessment Instrument) to examine the teacher behavior and the students' behavior. Qualitative data was collected from interviews with the teacher and students to further explore the results of teacher behavior and student behavior. The results of the study are: 1. The allocated time for physical education teacher: the time spent in teaching behavior is 85.6%~81.49%; the time spent in management behavior is 14.4%~17.63%. The allocated time for physical education teacher's instruction, physical teachers spent most of the time on response presentation and the least amount of time on motivational feedback. The allocated time for the physical education teacher's behavior management, Physical teachers spent most of the time was spent on organization; least amount of time was spent on other tasks. 2. The allocated time for student behavior: during the physical education teacher's instruction, students' participated behavior is 89.1%~83.7%; students' management behavior is 10.9%~16.3%. While allocated skill learning time made up most of the time of students' participated behavior; warm-up & review made up the least of the time. Allocated time for student behavior most of the time was on behavior management and the least of time on other tasks.


