  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Tu Fu and Ibsen's Family Life


盛唐詩人杜甫(西元712-770年)的一生顛沛流離,坎坷的生活際遇、親情的分離、才能理想無法實現等所引起的痛苦、焦慮,種種缺憾給詩人無窮的創作力量。杜甫的親情詩,不僅純然地描摹家庭生活、離家之思念情懷,而是把家庭的命運和國家的命運結合在一起,不致使家庭親情詩流於庸俗,反而更彰顯出其高絕獨妙之處,反映時代真實面貌,成為宏偉的「詩史」。在最窮困的時候,使杜甫更加能體恤「老妻」,杜甫以能與家人一起生活為樂,且儘可能的教育子女,古代封建社會的杜甫,有跨越性的觀念,表現出對人的關懷點是其作品偉大之處。傑出的挪威戲劇家亨利克.約翰.易卜生(Henrik Johan Ibsen,西元1828-1906年),也是經過一番寒徹骨才有豐碩的成果,為追求戲劇的成就與妻子蘇珊娜.多蘿森(Suzannah Thoresen)、兒子西格爾(Sigurd)居住在國外二十七年,易卜生為十九世紀歐洲的女性塑造一個新女性形象,造就現代戲劇輝煌成就。易卜生和杜甫一樣尊重妻子,對妻子的愛情都是站在平等的角度,是愛情的最高境界,兩人以尊重、關心與互信教育其子。愛情與親情是沒有國界的,也沒有時空的限制,易卜生和杜甫的家庭做了最佳印證。無論東方還是西方,窮困都能琢磨出偉大成功的人物,無論時代、民族、地域,親情之愛皆出自心頭。


杜甫 易卜生 家庭 東西文化


The Tang Dynasty poet, Tu Fu (712-770), lived a life of poverty filled with frustrations. His career failed and he was also separated from his family for long periods of time. Due to a life of misfortune and failure in achieving other people's expectations, he felt miserable, worried and anxious. The depth of these emotional experiences gave the poet an unlimited creative power. In his poetry one can see his strong belief in family values and naturally his desire for the reunification of his country. The poems reflect the values of that period, therefore, he is often referred to as the ”Poet-Historian”. Despite of Tu Fu's hardships in life his relationship with his wife remained strong. One of his nicknames for her, ”my old wife”, exemplified his sympathy for her. His highest priority was to the welfare of his wife and children. Regardless of the difficulties in his life he always kept up with his responsibilities and duties as a father. At this time in Chinese history, society was governed by the ancient feudal system. Tu Fu however had a more progressive way of thinking which in many ways was ahead of his time. Tu Fu expressed his love and passion for people in his poetry in a very innovative and unique way, which led to the popularity of his poems.Like Tu Fu, the famous Norwegian dramatist Henrik Johan Ibsen (1828-1906) also went through difficult times before bearing the fruits of his labor. Through his dramas, Ibsen raised his voice on behalf of modern European women and influenced both the world of theatre and society more broadly. Both Ibsen and Tu Fu respected and loved their wives. They showed this by attempting to write from both the male and female perspective. Ibsen and his wife had one son, Sigurd. He played an influential role in Sigurd's life by providing a solid education. The lives of Ibsen and Tu Fu show that love and affection to the family do not have any limitations based on nationality or time. Both in the Western and the Eastern world, poverty can be a significant creative source. No matter what time, race or place, love to ones relatives always comes directly from the heart.




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