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An Application of Progressive Moderate Intensity Interval Training on Cardiovascular Endurance, Sprint Capacity, and Power: The Case of First Division Collegiate Rugby Players in Taiwan




The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the moderate intensity interval training (MIIT) on athletic capacities of first division collegiate rugby players in Taiwan. Sixteen rugby players participated a progressive MIIT program in 6 weeks. The evaluation of capacities were using measurements from Chinese Taipei Rugby Association as well as other related measure skills. The results indicate that participants on Cooper's test, 50-meter sprints test, and pull-ups test were significantly improved after the training program (p < .05). However, the improvements on tests of wall slaps, 1-minute sit-up, and 1-minute pushup were insignificant (p > .05). The study concludes that progressive MIIT significantly improves cardiovascular endurance, sprint capacity, and upper body power on collegiate rugby players. The relationship between MIIT and wall slaps, 1-minute sit-up, and 1-minute push-up are unclear.


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