  • 期刊


Analysis of Sport Habits of the Students in Universities and Colleges in Taiwan




Sport habits are closely linked with fitness. A number of studies had indicated that students' fitness was getting worse in Taiwan, and the population with regular sport habits was lower than other countries. As a result, that will cause enormous effects on the health of nations and cost of society in the future. The purpose of this study was to find out the situation of sport habits of student in the universities and colleges, and the object was the undergraduate students. The sample of this study were 32,000 students from 80 schools. Method: The questionnaire was made by researcher named ” The Questionnaire of Sport Habits of Students in Universities and Colleges in Taiwan.” The valid data were 28,977. According to the result, the percentage of undergraduate students who had participate in sport clubs or sport teams of their department were both less than 30%. Most students had go to physical education class for 1 to 2 hours a week, and 42.5% among them like that class. The highest percentage of the item of students' exercise time was 1 to 2.5 hours a week, and 1 day a week. The percentage of students who considered their exercise time was not enough was 39.8%. Most students were participate in exercise in campus, and chose walking or jogging as their primary sport item. Most students asked their friends went exercise with them.


