  • 期刊


The Relationship between Global Supply Chain Mangement and Business Model of Taiwanese Electronic Companies




Specialization, industry international vertical division of labor, strategic alliances among the companies in different countries, is the main characteristics in the contemporary industry environment. Firm is in the industrial network and becomes a member in the global supply chain system. The relationship between the firm and its suppliers becomes more complex than ever be. Multiple linkages on the business functions of R&D, sales, marketing, human resource management between industrial buyer and supplier not only significantly influence the business model but also impact business performance. This study tries to explore the relationship between global supply chain management and business model of Taiwanese Electronic Companies. It is found: 1. Business functions of production management, after service, purchasing management, human resources management are significantly influenced by the flexibility, integration, interrelationship, customer response speed of the global supply chain system. 2. Company's marketing, after services, and infrastructure is significantly correlated with the flexibility of the supply chain system. 3. Company's production management is mostly influenced by the customer's response speed of the global supply chain system. Firm's infrastructure is mostly influenced by the flexibility of the global supply chain system.


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