  • 期刊


Historical Research and Spatial Verification of the Historical Buildings Yu-shan Village No. 1 and No. 2 (Fujita Mura) in Chiayi City




The development of the Alishan forestry station brought economic prosperity and population growth to Chiayi city. Alishan was also one of the three most important forest farms in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. In response to the development of the Alishan Forestry station, the Forestry Management Bureau under the Governor of Taiwan established the Chiayi wood processing factory after the Alishan Railway was officially opened to traffic. Staff dormitories were also built at many locations. All these factors made this region a "wood industrial village", which then become a center of administration, transportation, production, living and leisure. From the beginning of development the Alishan Forestry in 1906 , the Fujita Group had also established the office of the operation , the Fujita Mura and the Director's Residence (1910). Through the establishment of two official bodies, "the Alishan Operation Office" in 1910 and "Alishan Forestry Managment Bureau" in 1940, a complex forestry settlement had been completed by 1944. The construction of Alishan forest railway helped the transportation of wood in the mountains to Chiayi's urban areas. In response to the establishment of the wood processing factory and forestrelated administrative units set up in the North Gate area, the development gradually expanded from the core of Chiayi (Chiayi city roundabout) to the North Gate area. At that time, other facilities were established, such as "Chiayi Wood Processing Factory 1 & 2", "Powerhouse", "Sawdust Chamber", "Log Storage Yard", "Seasoning Chamber" and "Overhead Cableway",etc., in response to the development of the forestry industry. In addition to the construction of the Fujita Mura dormitory, there were also Qing Ye Liu, Alishan Village, Motokura Village (now the Kuai Yi Sheng Huo Village) and other settlements. Therefore, the north of Chiayi City area gradually formed an Alishan forestry settlement, called "Henoki Machi." In this study, we collected historical data of on forestry development of Ali Mountain, and compiled the records of the change of the government offices, so as to clarify the different stages of the construction. With the building surveying and site mapping, this paper attempts to form an urban space history from the documents, archives, photographs, architectural drawings and urban planning maps, topographic maps from the Japanese era, site plans, the city planning digital topographic maps, and in-depth interviews. In particular, we try to diachronically identify the stages of urban space evolution by using a geographic information system (GIS). With the basic recorded data and recording methods, this research evaluates the cultural heritage assets of the historical buildings Yu-shan Village No. 1 and No. 2 Fujita Mura.


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