  • 學位論文


A Study on the Decriminalization of Euthanasia

指導教授 : 廖正豪


安樂死(Euthanasia)一字源於希臘語,意為「美死」、「善終」。英文則有「Mercy killing」一詞。日本學者小野磨二將之譯為「安樂死」後為學界所引用。能夠一路好走其實並不是個新興的概念,回溯中國早年,亦曾因受到老莊哲學思想和禪宗的影響,而有著「順其自然」的態度,將生死看作四季更替,是大自然的定律,不以死亡為不祥。但曾幾何時,「死」在中國文化中竟成了不能說也不敢想的禁忌。 在討論安樂死議題時往往有幾項難題,包括:死亡時點的認定、名詞定義的內涵、分類標準的雜亂多樣、各種安樂死行為在我國的評價、生命自主權在我國的地位等等。是以本文在第二章先對安樂死行為的意義與內涵予以定性,並試圖以行為人的行為態樣為主軸,對各安樂死行為進行分類與定義。接著則就他國安樂死相關的案例及法律規範等予以整理歸納,試圖借他山之石以供錯,將他國經驗與意見作為思考我國安樂死議題的基礎。 由於安樂死行為的刑法評價不可一概而論,對於具有刑罰性的安樂死行為是否真有科以刑罰的必要,則需自刑罰論的內涵予以思考。是本文於第四章回到我國的實體規定,延續前開對於各安樂死行為的分類,依照刑法理論與架構的思考,個別討論各該安樂死態樣行為在我國法律上的評價。接著第五章試圖探究人性尊嚴的內涵,並企圖導出生命自主權的依據與內涵,同時參酌除罪化政策的趨向,思考安樂死行為的除罪化可能性。 最後第六章則整理我國目前實務上的案例狀況,延續前開論述與內容,試圖探究未來安樂死行為合法化的可能操作要件。於第七章作結,期望能藉由檢視安樂死行為的爭議,一解吾人對於生死議題的困惑,也對我國安樂死合法化的議題提出一個可能的出路。


The word, Euthanasia, is from Greek which means dying peacefully. We say Mercy killing in English. Dying peacefully is not a new concept in early Chinese culture. However, nowadays it becomes a taboo, people are afraid of talking about it. A lot of emergency patients are saved by means of “CPR” ,and so many patients’ life is prolonged by survival instruments; however, if only the timing of death is extended without any improvement of quality of life , it will be meaningless to prolong one’s life When talking about Euthanasia, there are several difficult topics, including how to define the time of death, diversity of classification, assessment in criminal law, and what is the level of physical autonomy in the country..., etc. In this thesis, we try to define what Euthanasia and each behavior are. This thesis also sorts out relating cases and law in other countries and uses the opinions and experience as our foundation and analyzes the controversy of Euthanasia. Due to the complexity of Euthanasia behaviors, we shall think carefully about necessity of Euthanasia penalty. In this thesis, we not only categorize the Euthanasia behaviors but also research the dignity of human being. Last but not least, we can try to come out a potential way by viewing and understanding the controversy and the decriminalization of Euthanasia.


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25、陳閔翔,德沃金「人性尊嚴原則」之理論意涵與實踐應用,政治與社會哲學評論,29期, 2009年6月。
