  • 期刊


The Survey Research of Physical Education Teaching Reflection for Elementary School Students Teacher




The purpose of this study was to understand the teaching reflection condition of PE teaching in student teachers' practicum. through exploring the process, levels, patterns, contents, and attitudes of teaching reflections. The findings could be used to modify the pre-service physical education curriculum and improve the teaching methods. In turn to cultivate more teachers with problem-solving and critical abilities. Wu's Modified questionnaires was to gather student teachers' background variables such as gender, age, scholarship or non-scholarship, entrance option, education training institution, and teaching reflection training. The participants were 40 PE majors student teachers' from National Taitung Teacher College. Practicum school background variables such as school district, class size, grade, student number, subjects, student teachers, guidance pattern, important influence person. At the same school and student teachers' reflection variables such as process levels, patterns, attitudes, and contents. This related data was statistically analyzed using Kendall's W. analysis and one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows:1.Reflective levels: student teachers' teaching level of consequence, was different ideally and practically. Ideally, ”practice action level” ranked first (3.30). ”Description level” was last (1.07). Practically, ”Skill idea level” ranked first (3.14), ”critical level” was last (2.20).2.Reflective patterns: Reflective patterns ideally adopt ”reflection for action” (2.83) and ”reflection in action and reflection on action (2.57); but ”in practical reflection would use ”reflection in action” (3.00) and ”reflection on action” (2.93).3.Reflection attitudes: Elementary school student teachers' teaching reflections of attitudes were generally good (3.76). The variables would not cause differential results.4.Reflective contents: There were satisfactory results for elementary school student teachers in reflective teaching, classroom management, school environment and self-reflection (3.79).5.The factors of influence in teaching reflection: The guidance method would be used by ”after class guidance teacher would give feedback” (3.90). Seldom used ”group discussion” to process guidance (2.03). In the most influential part, ”student guidance teachers” were most influential person (7.49), then ”followed by elementary school students” (5.76).


