  • 會議論文


Kindergarten Teachers' Knowledge of Using Picture Books in Teaching


本研究旨在瞭解台南縣幼稚園教師將繪本融入教學之知能現況,並分析不同背景變項之幼稚園教師在繪本融入教學知能的差異情形,依據研究之發現、做成結論並提出建議,以供有關單位擬定提升幼稚園教師將繪本融入教學之知能參考。 本研究以台南縣立案公、私立幼稚園教師爲對象,採問卷進行調查,以自編之「幼稚園教師繪本融入教學之知能問卷」爲研究工具,發放400份的正式問卷,共計回收356份有效問卷。本研究結果如下: 一、幼稚園教師將繪本融入教學知能之水準在中上程度。 二、公立幼稚園教師在繪本融入教學知能整體得分高於私立幼稚園教師。 三、不同年齡幼稚園教師在課程規劃面向有差異。 四、不同服務年資幼稚園教師在各面向之教學知能沒有顯著差異。 五、高學歷教師在繪本融入教學知能各面向得分有較好的表現。 六、任教混齡班教師在繪本融入教學知能各面向得分有較好的表現。


This research aimed to understand the current status of kindergarten teachers' knowledge of using picture books in teaching in Tainan County and to compare its difference among teachers with various backgrounds. The study employed the survey research method. The self-designed questionnaire were mailed to 400 kindergarten teachers in Tainan Conuty. A total of 365 valid samples were obtained. The collected data were analyzed via t-test, Pearson producet moment correlation and one-way ANOVA. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Kindergarten teachers' knowledge of using picture books in teaching got scores higher above the average scale. 2. Public kindergarten teachers got higher scores in knowledge of using picture books in the teaching than private kindergarten teachers. 3. There were no significant differences in the ability of planning classes and in the teaching skills between public and private kindergarten teachers' background (age, teachers' teaching experience, different related majors) 4. Teachers with better education degree showed better teaching performance in knowledge of using picture books in the teaching. 5. Teachers who teach the age-mixed class get higher scores and do better performance in the knowledge of using picture books in teaching.
