  • 期刊

Existence in Nihilism: Self-Contradicting Awakening in the Trial







If we consider that the law is the social standard of justice that protects good and eliminates evil, then we shall agree that a trial is the experiment of this standard. But the purposes of the law and the trial are no longer useful for maintaining the social standard of justice but for inculcating us to perceive and explore the meaning of existence when we live in nihilism. In Kafka's The Trial, Josef K. is forced to by his absurd arrest to see the truth of his own flawed self and the truth of a bureaucratic society that he is impotent to neither accept nor change. Josef K. strives to claim his innocence and rescues himself from this senseless charge but everything he does is futile except his awakening of the self and his understanding of the bureaucratic society. From a proud and privileged chief financial officer in a bank to a humiliated defendant, Josef K. is under the arrest not by the human law but by the unknown divine law of the cosmos that leads him to understand the self and confront nihilism. His inescapable execution accompanied with his self-contradicting awakening is actually a metaphysical acquittal that is only granted to Josef K. in The Trial.


Kafka Nietzsche Nihilism self-contradiction self-awakening


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