  • 期刊


Geographic Information Science and Smart Earth




Human development is facing significant challenges including increasingly serious environmental problems, economic problems, and social problems; moreover, human development requires a combination of all human wisdom to face the significant challenges ahead. Development over the past 50 years of geographic information systems and sciences and, in recent years, increasingly smarter information technologies, such as the Internet, cloud computing, big data analytics, the semantic web, and other technologies, allow us to examine possible solutions. A smart earth and smart cities that deploy these smarter technologies will provide a brighter future for mankind in the near future; however, the solution requires the world's governments, academia, and the business community to work together to face the challenges. This study reviews the development of geographic information science, the Internet, cloud computing, big data analytics, the semantic web, and linked open data technologies and presents the concept of multi-agent knowledge oriented cyberinfrastructure (MAKOCI). Using MAKOCI, the world of information can be combined into one common, sharable, super big data, and academic research results can also be converted into a sharable knowledge base. Decision makers only need to propose decision-making needs on MAKOCI, and decision support system developers will take advantage of sharable super big data and the sharable knowledge base to develop a customized decision support system for decision makers. Because of this, super big data is almost free, and the knowledge base model is also quite cheap to rent, so decision makers will be able to rent the most advanced intelligent decision support system at a fairly low price; even the poorest countries can benefit from the application of intelligent technology. A smart earth and smart cities will gradually solve the environmental, economic, and social problems. The dream of sustainable development will no longer be out of reach.


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