  • 期刊


The Third Force and Umbrella Soldiers: Comparing the Elections of Taiwan after the Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong after the Umbrella Movement




太陽花運動 雨傘運動 選舉 政黨


This article reviews five elections in Taiwan and Hong Kong in the wake of the Sunflower Movement and the Umbrella Movement. Occupying public spaces is a radical extra-institutional protest; however, after the conclusion of these two movements, both Taiwan and Hong Kong witnessed the wave of electoral participation. Taiwan's "third forces" were more friendly toward the principal opposition party, whereas Hong Kong's "umbrella soldiers" emerged as a competitor to the existing pan-democrats. This article argues that the diverse patterns of cooperation and conflict can be explained by identity politics and the strength of opposition parties. The surge in pro-independence opinion had narrowed the distance between the "third force" and the Democratic Progressive Party, while Hong Kong's localists posed a threat to the pan-democrat leaders who continued to embrace a Chinese identity. Moreover, Taiwan's stronger and more resourceful opposition party was more capable of cooperating and co-opting the new political forces, whereas Hong Kong's fragmented and weak opposition parties had to compete with the them.


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