  • 期刊


New Approaches for the EU Governance and Studies? A Voice from Oslo


歷經半個世紀的整合,歐盟已經發展成為一個重要且獨特的政治組織。但在其憲法條約於2004年中遭到法國及荷蘭公民投票否決後,歐盟現正面臨嚴峻的民主與合法性危機。歐洲整合的下一步該怎麼走?歐洲聯盟的前景如何?整合理論研究途徑,究竟能夠為當今歐盟的發展結果提供多少解釋?這是許多歐洲政治菁英及學術研究者所共同關切的問題。挪威學者Johan P. Olsen在此時提出他的觀點。他從制度主義的角度出發,認為歐洲政治體制的轉變,才是歐盟研究和發展應該關注的重點。Olsen提出歐洲整合過程中的兩個難題,並檢視歐盟的「制度」是否已具備足夠能力以及如何解決其內部一致性和差異性之間的矛盾。總之,Olsen並非全然否定「歐洲化」的努力,而是試圖讓已經失序的歐盟研究,重新尋得一些秩序。


The EU has developed into an important and unique political organization, but with an ever more pressing problem of democracy and legitimacy since the Constitution has been rejected by the French and Dutch voters in 2004. What now for the EU? What are the prospects for an ”even closer Europe”? Can the popular integrative models continually to be an adequate instruction for enlightening studies of EU governance? These questions are some of the issues being thinking among politicians and academics as well. Johan P. Olsen, Research Director of the Centre for European Studies, then provides his alternative point of view. He suggests that the evolving European polity is an exciting site for exploring the issue of political unity and diversity along European integration process. Olsen applied to two puzzles and it is asked whether there is a ”European way” to manage unity and diversity and, more particularly, how institutions mediate between diversity and unity. Generally, Olsen makes an attempt to create a little more order in a disorderly field of EU research rather than rejecting the term ”Europeanization” outright.


