  • 期刊


Cultivating Character Through Sports Education


2020年初臺灣舉辦總統與立法委員改選。定時選舉,產生政府官員與民意代表,是民主社會的常態。遺憾的是,許多候選人欠缺運動家風度,網路假消息充斥,整個社會充滿敵意,謾罵之聲不絕於耳。早在1989年,聯合國教育、科學及文化組織,舉辦了一場面向21世紀研討會時,就有人指出,道德倫理和價值觀的式微,是21世紀人類必須面對的首要挑戰。果不其然,該論點似乎逐漸應驗中。2009年,臺灣中華職業棒球大聯盟曾發生「打假球」事件,教育界一時烏煙瘴氣,教育部長吳清吉博士於是邀請球星聯袂推出「運動愛品德」記者會,希望導正球場風氣(教育部,2010)。無獨有偶,韓國與美國職業棒球大聯盟(Major League Baseball, MLB)最近都爆發「偷暗號」事件。韓國LG隊與相關人員遭到巨額罰款,美國太空人隊總管、總教練各停職一年,並遭球團開除,球團慘遭罰款美金500萬美元。國際奧林匹克委員會(International Olympic Committee, IOC)為了選手健康與賽會公平,1999年設置世界反禁藥機構(World Anti-Doping Agency, WADA),不惜投入鉅款,進行運動員賽內與賽外抽檢,防範禁藥濫用。2019年底,俄羅斯就因運動禁藥風波,而遭IOC禁賽4年,包括東京奧林匹克運動會,藉此重懲,以儆效尤。以上這些運動場上的點點滴滴,提醒眾人運動世界講求光明磊落,沒有例外。人類的行為,常因阻礙、傷害或甚至懲罰而改變,也因獎賞、鼓勵或接受而助長。運動競技場提供絕佳的情境,作為改善行為的契機。品德包括尊重、負責、關懷、誠實、公平與好公民等6大支柱(Martens, 2012)。在運動場上,尊重教練、裁判、對手、規則、制度與傳統;負責輪流準備與收拾器材;講究同理心,敗不餒;讚揚光榮失敗,不投機取巧;不論身材、體能、技術水準、性別差異,機會均等;鼓勵運動員感謝對手、教練與裁判,因為他們比賽才能順利進行等。這些美德都期望能帶到運動場外,成為待人處事的修養。教師與教練都是一面鏡子,都應以身作則,做好榜樣,要妥善規劃活動,啟發道德認知,從感情上激發道德勇氣和善良動機,創造優雅、尊重、合作的學習環境,鼓勵學生積極參與,學習為別人或團體做出貢獻(林正常,2011)。大專校院體育同仁,是教育界最幸福的一群,以自身喜愛的運動,做為終生養家活口的志業,並且散播快樂種子。大家應該慶幸自己與健康、快樂距離最近,還能時時刻刻徜徉於運動世界中。讓我們一起構築一個重視品德與愛心的運動環境,營造彼此公平競爭卻又能相互扶持的社會。




In the 2020 election in Taiwan, while we as a democratic society anticipated the election of a new president and members of the Legislative Yuan, many candidates regrettably displayed a lack of sportsmanship. Meanwhile, the Internet is full of deliberately deceitful fake news, leading to a considerably greater level of hostility and conflict in our society. As early as 1989, when United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) organized a seminar for the 21st century, it was declared that the decline of morality and values would be among the greatest challenges that face global society. It is worth noting that these words have been borne out by repeated experience. In 2009, a game-fixing incident was revealed in the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) in Taiwan, which deeply frustrated many education professionals. Hoping to restore a wholesome atmosphere to the fields of sports and education, the Minister of Education, Dr. Qingji Wu, invited elite athletes to launch a press conference on "Sports and Moral Character" (Ministry of Education, 2010). Coincidentally, the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) and American Major League Baseball (MLB) have each endured explosive sign stealing scandals. The Korean LG Twins team and related personnel were subjected to huge fines. As for penalties in MLB, Astros General Manager Jeff Luhnow and field manager Andres Hinch were each suspended for one year by the MLB and subsequently fired by the team. The team was fined US$5 million. To protect athletes' health and promote fairness in competition, the well-known International Olympic Committee (IOC) established the World Anti-Drug Agency (WADA) in 1999. It has invested enormous resources to check drug doping in competitive events and prevent the use of banned drugs. At the end of 2019, Russia was banned from IOC events for four years, including the Tokyo Olympics, due to its violation of drug bans. Collectively, the incidents above serve as reminders that the world of sports should be above reproach and that no exceptions will be tolerated. Human behavior can be changed by restrictions, obstacles, harm, or even punishment; however, it can also be improved by rewards, encouragement, and acceptance. Values-based sports education provides an excellent platform for changing behaviors. Moral character is built on six pillars: respect, responsibility, caring, honesty, fairness, and citizenship (Martens, 2012). During competitions, athletes are taught to respect teammates, coaches, referees, and opponents, as well as the game's traditions, rules, and results. Athletes are also educated regarding their duty to prepare and return the equipment in time. Courtesy, discipline, and patience are strongly emphasized during practice. No one should ever be discriminated against based on their body size, fitness, skills, or gender. During competition, players learn to value grit, determination and hard work; cooperate without complaints; and never blame teammates for their own fouls. Empathy is usually emphasized. Team culture should commend integrity during failure and refrain from emphasizing success to the point of employing unethical shortcuts or improper methods. After the competition, players show their appreciation to the opponents, coaches, and referees. Although cultivating character through sports education involves many small details, over time it is hoped these will accumulate into lifelong general traits and habits. These qualities can in turn be expected to carry over from the sports field into society and become a part of our culture i n the future. Teachers and coaches are all role models who should work hard to inspire a deep-seated sense of morality, including moral courage, kindness, and refined behavior. This guiding spirit will foster a respectful, highly motivated, and cooperative learning experience for students. In addition, properly planned activities should encourage students and athletes to practice, actively participate, and be other-centered by helping other groups and individuals (Lin, 2011). Sports colleagues in colleges and universities have the good fortune of being able to pursue sports as a life-supporting career while providing happiness to students. We should challenge ourselves to build a sports environment that values morality and love, and build a society whose citizens can support each other even during the pursuit of competitive excellence.




林正常(2011)。運動場上的品德教育。運動教練科學,21 期,1-14 頁。doi:10.6194/SCS.2011.21.01[Lin, J.-C. (2011). Teaching character through sport. Sports Coaching Science, 21, 1-14. doi:10.6194/SCS.2011.21.01]
教育部(2010)。學校運動教練手冊。臺北市:作者。[Minister of Education. (2010). Handbook for sports coaches in school. Taipei, Taiwan: Author.]
Martens, R. (2012). Successful coaching (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.



