  • 期刊


The Development and Validation of the Stereotype Scale for Students in Sports-related Departments


刻板印象會對於一個人的情意、認知和行為產生影響,過去關於刻板印象之研究大多聚焦於性別及種族,鮮少有研究直接探討體育系刻板印象,因此本研究主要目的在於探討體育系刻板印象的內涵,並發展體育系刻板印象的測量工具。研究一先以12 位高中導師為研究對象,進行半結構式的自由填答,而後依據質性資料的歸納法找出有意義的主題,做為編制體育系刻板印象量表的題目參考。研究二以網路問卷方式蒐集資料,共獲得260 份有效樣本,探索性因素分析結果顯示體育系刻板印象共保留16 題,區分為人格特質、行為傾向、適合擔任的職務、對未來的期待等四個因素,解釋變異量達59.39%。最後差異檢定顯示不同性別對於體育系學生之刻板印象無顯著差異,但體育科系學生對於體育系的適合擔任職務、行為傾向有較高的刻板印象分數。由於刻板印象可能會透過刻板印象威脅、自證預言等途徑影響個體,未來研究可再持續針對體育系或是運動員刻板印象的成因和影響結果,進行更深入的了解。


Previous research has shown that stereotypes influence an individual's affect, cognition, and behavior. Literature focused on gender and racial stereotype; however, little attention has been paid to stereotype for students in sports-related departments. The purpose of this study was to explore the underlying dimensions of stereotypes for students in sports-related departments, as well as to develop and validate a preliminary scale. In Study 1, a qualitative study was conducted that included semistructured interviews for 12 senior high school teachers. In Study 2, exploratory actor analysis were conducted using 260 valid data from online questionnaires. The results indicated four factors with 16 items, including personality traits, ……., explaining 49.2% of the variance in stereotype for students in sports-related departments. Finally, there's no significant difference between male and female participants' opinions about students in sports-related departments. However, students in sports-related departments had higher stereotype scores for themselves about A and B. Given that stereotypes could influence an individual through processes such as stereotype threat and self-fulfilling prophecy, research should reveal the antecedent variables and consequences of stereotype for students in sports-related departments in the future.


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