  • 期刊


A Study of the Sexual Abuse of People with Intellectual Disabilities


近幾年來,關於心智障礙者受到性侵害的報導時有所聞。因此,探討遭受性侵害的心智障礙者特質與受害過程及其遭受性侵害後所衍生的有關生理、心理等各種層面的問題分析勢必成為重要的課題。本研究的主要研究目的有二:(1)探討心智障礙者性侵害受害者的背景資料、受害過程、及受害情事對其影響的現況;(2)探討不同背景的受害者在受害過程及受害情事對其影響的差異情形。 為瞭解心智障礙者性侵害受害者的特質,由各縣市性侵害防治中心蒐集164份個案紀錄分析之,研究結果發現多數受害者為女性;處於12到30歲的青少年期;多數為智能障礙類別;受害的比例隨障礙程度的增加而有所減少。受害次數為單次者居多;犯罪類型最多數為強制性交;案發時機最多數為居家;案發場所在私人場所居多;加害人數多數為單一加害者;而受害與加害者的兩造關係最多數為普通朋友(含男女朋友、網友)、鄰居、陌生人;在受害反應的項目下無抵抗居多;多數案例在受害時未受到凌虐。 在受害事件對生理的影響部份,多數(90位)為無影響,然而其他受害者有受傷/生病/性病、睡眠情況異常、懷孕/流產的狀況出現。 至於對心理的影響,有44位(26.8%)案例無影響,而其它的案例曾經感到二種以上的負面情感、害怕焦慮、沉默無感覺、憤怒的情緒出現。而調查不同年齡層、障礙程度、與身分類別的受害者在受害過程及受害情事對其影響的差異情形,結果發現不同年齡層的受害者在受害次數、案型、與加害者雙方關係等特質以及對生心理影響有差異情形。即青少年受害者多連續受害而成年受害者多單次受害;幼年者多發生猥褻案而成年者多發生強制性交案;而受害-加害雙方的關係,成人組則較多由陌生人加害且少由家人加害;而青少年少由陌生人加害之;最後,受害事件對成年受害者有較多的生理影響與心理影響。而不同職業類別的受害者在案型、與加害者雙方關係、有無抵抗上、以及對生心理影響有所差異。在案型上學生較多發生猥褻的案子,而家管與無業者則較多發生強制性交的案子;而在加-受害雙方關係的比較上,學生則多由父母親的親戚朋友且少由陌生人加害之,家管/無業者則少由同事同學加害之,而在職者則多由同事與陌生人加害之;而在受害時有無抵抗的比較上,在職者則較多出現有抵抗的情形;在受害情事影響上,受害事件對家管/無業者造成較多的生理影響,而對在職者造成較多的心理影響。而受害過程及受害情事對其影響則不因障礙程度不同而有所差異。


There have been continuing reports of the sexual abuse of people with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, the researchers felt it was important to explore this problem further, and the present study had two purposes: (1) to better understand the process and the effects of the sexual abuse undergone by intellectually disabled victims; and (2) to explore the relationship of age, degree of disability, and occupation with the process and effects of abuse. The records of the cases of 164 sexually abused patients were collected. The results showed that most victims were females, aged 12-30 and mildly disabled; they were also single-episode victims. Most of these cases involved forced sexual intercourse and occurred in private places such as the abuser's or victim's home. The abusers were mainly lone males who were sometimes friends or neighbors of the victim and sometimes strangers. The victims mostly did not resist. And they did not receive maltreatment other than sexual abuse. The abuse had no physical effect on 90 of the subjects, but others suffered injury or became sick, developed sleeping disorders and/or got pregnant. (In the latter case they usually had abortions.) As to the psychological influence, 44 subjects were not affected, but other subjects felt afraid or angry, and/or they became very silent after the experience. It was also shown that, in addition to age level, the occupation of the victims also had a relationship with the abuse process experienced as well as the physical and psychological effects of the abuse. However, the degree of the victim's intellectual




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