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A Phases Analysis of the Speed Curve of 200 m Sprinting


目的:本研究主要在於分析200公尺跑每20公尺步幅、步頻和平均速度的曲線變化,探討短跑選手全程跑的速度表現能力。受試對象為14名男子短跑選手,平均年齡為17.36 ± 1.84歲、平均成績為24.79 ± 0.89秒、平均身高為174.64 ± 5.28公分、平均體重為64.93 ± 5.18公斤。方法:應用Ariel Performance Analysis System動作分析軟體,擷取本實驗所得的影像資料,主要的統計方法為描述統計。結果:200公尺全程跑在60 ~ 80公尺段落處,產生最大步幅2.27公尺/步;20 ~ 40公尺段落處產生最快步頻4.23步/秒。在60 ~ 80公尺段落間達到最大速度9.14公尺/秒,速度分配呈單峰曲線。結論:200公尺後程階段速度遞減,主要因素為步頻能力的降低,因此,建議著重步頻能力,採取較快的步頻頻率去維持速度的表現,合理的體能分配分段速度的結構,在後段直道100公尺儘可能維持速度能力,以縮小速度遞減幅度,將是影響成績的重要關鍵。


步幅 步頻 平均速度


Purpose: This study was to analyze the combination and curve changes among stride length, stride frequency, averaged speed of 20 meters per running in 200 m sprint, and then to investigate the sprint athletes’ speed performance of the whole trip. 14 male sprint athletes were recruited in this study as subjects and their averaged age, grade, height, weight, and legs length are 17.36 ± 1.84 years old, 24.79 ± 0.89 seconds, 174.64 ± 5.28 centimeters, 64.93 ± 5.18 kilograms, and 94.43 ± 3.85 centimeters. Methods: We applied Ariel Performance analysis system to capture the image data for this study and proceeded to analyze the data. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results: The longest stride length, 2.27 meters per stride, occurred during 60 m ~ 80 m part and the fast stride frequency, 4.23 seconds per stride, occurred during 20 m ~ 40 m part. The distribution of speed was a single peak pattern and the maximal speed, 9.14 meters per second, occurred during 60 m ~ 80 m part. Conclusion: The speed decrease 200 m after process phase a major factor the ability of the stride frequency is reduced, there for focused stride frequency ability is suggested. Taken keep a fast stride frequency to maintain the speed performance, the physical structure of the distribution phases a reasonable speed, after process phase in the straight 100 meters, as possible the ability to maintain speed, reduce the magnitude of speed decrease, will be important crucial of is influence performance.


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