  • 期刊


Enterobius Vermicularis Infection among Preschool Children in Taipei City




Backgrounds: The major parasite infecting children in Taiwan include: Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura and Enterobius vermicularis. As a result of improvements in hygiene and medical treatment, the infection rate has dropped drastically in the past two decades. In Taipei City, the infection rate of A. lumbricoides, hookworm, and T. trichiura are close to zero. Methods: in this study, Scotch tape perianal swab was used to collect specimens to examine for parasite infection in children. From December 2002 to January 2003, children in 118 public and private kindergartens and 206 public and private nursery schools in the Tatung district, Chungcheng district, Wenshan district, Wanhua district, and Neihu district of Taipei were examined for parasite infections. Children with positive reactions were given mebendazole for one week and then re-examined and given mebendazole. Results: The overall infection rate was 3.3% (661/19963). The infection rate in 54 public kindergartens was 4.39% (208/4739), in 64 private kindergartens was 3.51% (171/4873), in 10 public nurseries was 3.08% (61/1978), and in 196 private nurseries was 2.64% (236/6402). The distributions of infection rate by district were: Wenshan district 3.69% (236/6402), Neihu district 3.22% (158/4905), Wannhua district 3.92% (147/3748), Tatung district 2.74% (83/3031), and Chungcheng district 1.97% (37/1877). There were 661 preschool students who tested positive for E. vermicularis, and only 293 of them remained positive at recheck. The recheck rate for all students was 44.3%, and the recheck infection rate was 2.73% (8/293). There were 551 family members who were rechecked, resulting in an infection rate at recheck of 7.62% (42/551). Conclusion: These findings indicate that the infection rates were highest for Wanhua district and Neihu district and Tatung district were the highest among those areas of Taipei City that were screened. There was no significant difference in infection rates between public and private kindergartens and nurseries.


