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AI技術發展與日語教育研究之銜接-為了人力資源開發方向的軌跡修正及擴展-|The Points of Contact with Technical Development of AI and Japanese Language Education Research: For Trajectory Correction and Expansion of Human Resource Development Direction




2010年代AI的發展成為話題。以工業發展為主軸的AI技術,當今慢慢深入滲透至社會與日常生活各角落,改變了人類社會的風貌。而藉由導入AI之舉,職種以及産業的構造產生了變化。此情況是自1950年代起至今掀起的風潮,目前仍持續進行當中。而被AI取代的職種,在歐美各國亦不斷逐漸擴大。就如同産業革命興起當時多種職業被機器取代一樣,可以預期AI時代中被取代的職種,勢必再興起更大的波瀾。但那不表示所有的職種都會被AI所取代,無一能倖免。那是意味著為了延續生存,人類與AI必須進行分工合作,產業必須轉型。日本以及台灣在如此的産業構造的轉型,似乎稍微顯得落後一些,其影響正逐漸浮上檯面。本論文正視在面臨AI社會即將到來的日本以及台灣社會當中,日語教育未來所需扮演的角色以及課題,而進行了考察,所獲成果足供參考。|In the 2010s, the development of AI; artificial intelligence has become a big topic and AI technology that has been mainly based on industrial relations has become deeply penetrated into human society and life. Moreover, the expansion of AI has brought huge impact into human being. Structural changes in occupations and industries due to the introduction of AI are continuous trends that have been progressing from the 1950s to the present, and occupations that are already being replaced by AI are expanding in Europe and the United States. As the many industries have changed due to the industrial revolution, fluctuation in occupations and job category will be large in the future. However, it does not take the form of substituting AI for everything, but progresses in a manner that divides roles. We should consider that the transformation of such industrial structure is delayed in Japan and Taiwan, but this influence will spread from now. In this thesis, we would like to consider the role that Japanese language education should play in the future in the task of AI society coming to Japan and Taiwan.


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