  • 期刊


Effects of Incremental Maximal Exercise on Liver Function in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis


According to the results of many hepatitis studies, moderate exercise has no adverse effects on patients with chronic hepatitis. However, since these studies were conducted outside of Taiwan and hepatitis can be influenced by factors such as race or gender, it is important to confirm the effects on the hepatic parameters resulting from maximal exercise in chronic Taiwanese hepatitis patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the hepatic parameters after an incremental maximal exercise in sixteen male subjects; eight with chronic hepatitis (CH) and eight with normal health (Control group). All subjects performed exercise on a treadmill to the point of exhaustion. Blood samples were drawn from the subjects previous to their beginning the exercise (T1) and subsequently five minutes (T2), three hours (T3), twenty-four hours (T4), and forty-eight hours (T5) after the completing the exercise. Of the eight parameters investigated in this study, the results showed that the SGOT (Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase) values were significantly higher in the CH group than in the C group at the T2, T4 and T5 measuring points (27.50 vs. 21.88 at T2, 24.50 vs. 18.75 at T4 and 24.88 vs. 18.75 at T5IU/L, P<.05). The SGPT (Glutamic-Pyruvate Transaminase) values were significantly higher in the CH group than in the C group at all measuring points (23.65 vs. 15.00 at T1, 21.88 vs. 11.38 at T2, 23.13 vs. 13.75 at T3, 23.25 vs. 14.13 at T4 and 22.75 vs. 14.00 at T5IU/L, P<. 05). In the bilirubin levels, there was a significant difference between T3 and T4 in the CH group (0.65 vs. 0.83 mg%, P<.05). And for globulin, there were significant differences between the values at the TI and T2 measuring points, as well as between the T2 and T4 measuring points in the CH group (2.48 at T2 vs. 2.59 at T1 and 2.69mg at T4 %, P<.05). There were no significant changes in any of the other parameters investigated in this study. The conclusion of this study is that acute incremental maximal exercise has small effects to patients with chronic hepatitis compared with normal individuals.


According to the results of many hepatitis studies, moderate exercise has no adverse effects on patients with chronic hepatitis. However, since these studies were conducted outside of Taiwan and hepatitis can be influenced by factors such as race or gender, it is important to confirm the effects on the hepatic parameters resulting from maximal exercise in chronic Taiwanese hepatitis patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the hepatic parameters after an incremental maximal exercise in sixteen male subjects; eight with chronic hepatitis (CH) and eight with normal health (Control group). All subjects performed exercise on a treadmill to the point of exhaustion. Blood samples were drawn from the subjects previous to their beginning the exercise (T1) and subsequently five minutes (T2), three hours (T3), twenty-four hours (T4), and forty-eight hours (T5) after the completing the exercise. Of the eight parameters investigated in this study, the results showed that the SGOT (Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase) values were significantly higher in the CH group than in the C group at the T2, T4 and T5 measuring points (27.50 vs. 21.88 at T2, 24.50 vs. 18.75 at T4 and 24.88 vs. 18.75 at T5IU/L, P<.05). The SGPT (Glutamic-Pyruvate Transaminase) values were significantly higher in the CH group than in the C group at all measuring points (23.65 vs. 15.00 at T1, 21.88 vs. 11.38 at T2, 23.13 vs. 13.75 at T3, 23.25 vs. 14.13 at T4 and 22.75 vs. 14.00 at T5IU/L, P<. 05). In the bilirubin levels, there was a significant difference between T3 and T4 in the CH group (0.65 vs. 0.83 mg%, P<.05). And for globulin, there were significant differences between the values at the TI and T2 measuring points, as well as between the T2 and T4 measuring points in the CH group (2.48 at T2 vs. 2.59 at T1 and 2.69mg at T4 %, P<.05). There were no significant changes in any of the other parameters investigated in this study. The conclusion of this study is that acute incremental maximal exercise has small effects to patients with chronic hepatitis compared with normal individuals.


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