  • 期刊


A Study of the Effectiveness of a Smoking Cessation Program


本研究的目的在探討由社區健康營造中心護理人員所主導的「戒菸教育課程」介入對吸菸者的「肺功能」、「尼古丁依賴性」及「呼氣中一氧化碳濃度」的改變情形及介入活動結束後六個月參與者的戒菸情形。本研究以台中縣某和立醫院的社區健康營造中心所設計的戒菸活動內容為主要課程,分四次召集台中縣吸菸民眾,採自願報名參加方式,成立四個梯次共47人參與戒菸教育課程,課程期限為12小時和16小時,在課程活動結束後,每個月電訪追蹤,直至活動結束後第六個月為止。結果顯示能全程參與活動及接受追蹤者共35位成員,在課程結束後,35位成員的肺功能、尼古丁依賴性及呼氣中一氧化碳濃度皆比參與活動前有顯著的正向改變(z=-297, p=.003; paired t=9.55, p=.000; paired t=7.84, p=.000),追蹤至第六個月的戒菸率為40%,35位成員的抽菸支數也明顯較參與活動前少(paired t=8.84, p=.000。本研究結果能了解成員參與活動後立即戒菸的益處及6個月後的戒菸率為何,可以做為其他社區護理人員策劃戒菸活動的參考。


The purpose of this research was to explore the effectiveness of a community nurse-managed smoking cessation program for the long function, nicotine dependence, and carbon monoxide breath levels of community smokers The subjects were recruited in Taichung County Two alternative smoking cessation programs, of 12 hours and 16 hours, were provided After taking part in the program, community nurses conducted one follow-up telephone call per month with each the subject for six months. The results showed that 35 subjects participated in the smoking cessation programs and that their long function, nicotine dependence, and carbon monoxide breath levels showed significant differences following their participation (z=-2.97, p=.003, paired t=9.55, p=.000; paired t=7.84, p=.000) The confirmed cessation rate after six months was 40%, and, among the 35 subjects, the amount of cigarette smoking per day was significantly different from that recorded before the programs (paired t=8.84, p=.000). This study definitely highlights the participants' changing physical conditions and the high 6-month success rates, and may serve as a source of reference for community nurses involved in smoking cessation programs.


