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Small-holder Farming? Entrepreneur-like Business?: A Case Study on Friendly Farming in Taitung, Eastern Taiwan




友善耕作 有機農業 市場 洛神 臺東


Since the late 1980s organic agriculture, emphasizing the interrelationships between farmers and land, human and non-human, has emerged in Taiwan as a sort of friendly farming opposed to those agricultural practices which mainly give priority to the maximal economic value of agricultural products. However, what are difficulties that practitioners of organic agriculture have confronted and how have they been solved? This paper describes how a small-holder farmer developed from a self-producing and self-marketing way of production to gradually becoming an entrepreneur-like one. However, such development is mainly individual-centred and the scale is limited, particularly regarding the scope and amount of consumers, a phenomenon happening in most organic agricultural practices. Based on the study, the authors raise several crucial questions that should be seriously addressed in the future, including the nature of vertical and horizontal cooperation and association among organic farmers, the connetion between producers and consumers, and, therefore, the creation of various scales of markets differentiating from the established and dominant capitalist one. In lights of such studies of agrarian economy, we suggest that these questions have their important significance for our understanding of economic activity in practice and in theory.


friendly farming organic agriculture market rosella Taitung


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