  • 期刊


Negligence in Physical Therapist Practice




In recent years, many domestic medical disputes occur. How to cut down medical disputes and how to rebuild trust between doctors and patients are important issues. If the doctor-patient relationship becomes better, the medical quality will be better. However, medical personnel are not very clear about the identification of the professional work. Are the "professional work" category of medical personnel and the "business" category of criminal law the same? This paper attempts to analyze the criminal sentences of physical therapists' practicing to realize what kind of physical therapists' professional negligence often occurs and to understand which professional work falls within the scope of "business". This will allow physical therapists to understand their professional work and what they should pay special attention to prevent the occurrence of negligence. On the other hand, if patients can understand the professional behaviors of physical therapists, it can improve professional transparency and reduce medical negligence. Patients' injuries can be clearly distinguished between results due to medical negligence and results simply caused by diseases.


行政院衛生福利部醫事司http://www.mohw.gov.tw/CHT/DOMA/DM1_P.aspx?f_list_no=936&fod_list_no=5779&doc_no=1791. /Accessed April 26, 2016. [Executive Yuan Department of Health and the Medical Division http://www.mohw.gov.tw/CHT/DOMA/DM1_P.aspx?f_list_no=936&fod_list_no=5779&doc_no=1791. / Accessed April 26, 2016. ]"
林山田:刑法各罪論(上冊)。增訂二版。台北,元照出版,2000;124。[Lin Shantian: Each Hamartiology of Criminal Law (volume I). Second Revised Edition. Taipei, Yuanzhao publishing, 2000; 124.]"
刑法第276條:「因過失致人於死者,處二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或二千元以下罰金。從事業務之人,因業務上之過失犯前項之罪者,處五年以下有期徒刑或拘役,得併科三千元以下罰金。」[Penal Code section 276: ""due to negligence causing the deceased, people are sentenced to less than 2 years of limited-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine less than 2,000 yuan; people in the business, because of the business of delinquents on crime in the preceding paragraph, are sentenced to less than 5 years of limited-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine less than 3,000 yuan.""]"
刑法第284條:「因過失傷害人者,處六月以下有期徒刑、拘役或五百元以下罰金,致重傷者,處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或五百元以下罰金。從事業務之人,因業務上之過失傷害人者,處一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或一千元以下罰金,致重傷者,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或二千元以下罰金。[Penal Code Section 284: ""due to negligence causing injuries, people are sentenced to less than 6 months of limited-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine less than NT500; due to negligence causing serious injuries, people are sentenced to less than one year of limited-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine less than NT500; people in the business, because of negligence causing injuries, are sentenced to less than one year of limited-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine less than NT1,000; people in the business, because of negligence causing serious injuries, are sentenced to less than 3 years of limited-term imprisonment, criminal detention or a fine less than NT2,000 ]"
余振華:刑法總論。台北,三民書局,2011:170。[Yu Zhenhua: Generality of Criminal Law. Taipei, San Min Book Company, 2011: 170.]"

