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Penetrating Ocular Trauma with Intraocular Foreign Body after Catastrophic Gun Malfunction


此病例為一位22歲男性病患,因T74機關槍膛炸而導致異物入眼(intraocular foreign body,IOFB)。異物入眼是眼科創傷中常見的原因,但是在臺灣因軍事操演而造成的眼球創傷卻非常少見。本文亦就異物入眼的發生率、處理方式及預後作整體性回顧。


膛炸 眼球內異物


We herein report a case of a 22-year-old male with intraocular foreign body (IOFB) due to catastrophic gun malfunction. Cases of ocular trauma with IOFB are very common in ophthalmic daily practice. However, military associated eyeball rupture with IOFB are rarely seen in Taiwan. Features of this case are discussed together with its implications, including the incidence rate, management and prognosis of IOFB.


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