  • 學位論文

公共傳播與農民運動--以「一一二三 與農共生」為例

Public Communication And Farmers Movement--A Case Study of '1123 Live Together With Agriculture'

指導教授 : 陳昭郎


本研究動機是希望藉由「一一二三 與農共生」農民運動 (社會運動),整個運作過程當中,經由農漁民組織(農漁會)及其組成的「自救會」,透過由共同體內部傳播樣態的研究,引導我們重新去發掘並思考傳播的本質、意涵及公共傳播與集體行動的關係。 此次農民運動蘊釀過程長達兩個多月,就運動組織而言,從二○○二年九月五日成立「全國農漁會自救會」到十一月廿三日大遊行結束這期間,幾乎每天都有不一樣的傳播樣態要處理,例如危機處理、對話、與政府溝通談判、發佈新聞稿、召開記者會、研討會,以及與大眾傳播媒體建立關係,都與傳播有關,本研究以公共傳播的角度詮釋這場農民運動,發現自救會能夠以多面向的公共傳播交叉運用,是運動成功的重要關鍵。 本研究從認同、共識動員及集體行動與公共傳播的關係,發現大眾傳播並不是唯一可以改變公眾認知與態度的不二法門,必須加上廣告、公聽會、論辯、研討會、遊說、耳語等「資訊補貼」(information subsidy),才能在創造動員潛力、激發參與動機、認同召喚與掃除運動障礙中得到預期的效果,並改變社會大眾的認知與態度。 本研究將此次農民運動過程媒體建構議題,分成六個期程,包括議題孵化期、發端期、強化期、僵化期、轉折期及轉化期,這樣的劃分有助於我們看清傳播樣態及其效果影響,研究結果發現公共傳播可補大眾傳播之不足,它具有「資訊補貼」的功能,尤其大眾傳播工作者在專業認知上,有其盲點,透過公共傳播論辯、遊說、廣告、研討會、公聽會等方式,交叉運用,更能發揮大眾傳播的效果。 其次,從此次農民運動過程觀照,發現社運組織的資源愈多、專業程度愈高、協調能力與策略企劃能力愈佳,就愈能取得媒體的解釋權及意義的詮釋權,媒體的報導量也愈大,對運動組織更有加乘的效果。 農漁會過去扮演基層農漁民技術開發轉移、資訊新知傳播、推廣傳播,甚至生活教育的功能,今後應更積極地擔任協調、串連、市場開發、農產品行銷傳播、鄉村社會社區傳播,以及環境生態傳播的角色,變成有主體性、有思考活力的農民組織,不像過去成為政治人物玩弄的政治籌碼。 畢竟,農業問題不只是農會問題,農會問題亦不只是信用部問題;「全國農漁會自救會」在成功發動此次農民運動後,已成為一緊密的「共同體」,研究者建議應趁此機會轉型為全國性的農漁會組織,帶領各級農漁會「脫胎換骨」。




The motive of this research hoped to study the overall operation process of Farmers Movement of “1123 Live Together with Agriculture” (Social Movement), the Farmers and Fishermen Association and the Self-Salvage Council organized by them, in their internal communication situation of the community to lead us to re-discover and rethink the nature and contents of communication and the relationship between public communication and collective actions. This farmers’ movement had been brewing for more than 2 months. In the respect of organization, between establishment of “National Agriculture and Fishery Self-Salvage Council” on Sept. 5, 2002 and the end of grand parade of Nov. 23, there were different communication situation to be treated almost every day, such as Crisis Handling, Dialogue, Communication and Negotiation with Government, Press Release, Press Conference, Symposium and the relationship building with mass communication media are all related with communication. In the respect of public communication, it is found that in this farmers’ movement, the Self-Salvage Council had been able to utilize public communication in many different angles and this is the key of success of this movement. This research found from the relationship between identification, consensus, mobilization and collective action and public communication that mass communication is not the only capable to change the attitude and awareness of the public. There shall be information subsidies like advertisement, hearing, debate, seminar, lobbying and gossip for creating mobilizing potency, stimulate motive of participation, identification calling , and clearing the obstacle to the movement to receive expected effect and change the awareness and attitude of social public. In this research, we split the media structuring issue of this farmers’ movement into 6 stages, issues incubation period, starting period, enforcing period, freezing period, turning period and transforming period. Splitting in such a way, it helps us to see through the communication situation and the effect. The results of the research indicated that public communication can make up the insufficiency of mass communication. It has the function of information subsidy. This is particularly true that in their professional awareness, mass communication workers have their own blind points. When it is added with debate, lobbying, advertisement, seminar, hearings of public communication the effect of mass communication will be much more explored. The next, through the observation of the process of this farmers’ movement, the more resources a social movement organization, the higher the professionalism and the better the coordination ability and strategic planning ability, and it is more possible to win the right of interpretation of the media and the right of explanation of significance, and the more the media coverage, and they lead to multiplying effect to the movement organization. In the past, farmers association and fishermen’s association play the role of technical development transfer, prevailing of information and new knowledge, promotional broadcasting, even the function of living education for the basic farmers and fishermen. In the future, they shall be more active in undertaking coordination, organization, market development, agriculture produce marketing broadcasting and country social and community broadcasting, as well as environment / ecology broadcasting to be independent farmers’ association full of imagines and are not the political chip in the hands of politicians. After all, agriculture problem is not only the problem of farmers’ association and the problem of farmers’ association is not only the problem of credit department of farmers’ association. After motivate successfully this farmers’ movement, National Farmers & Fishermen’s Self-Salvage Council has turned itself into a community, and researchers suggest to take this opportunity to transform itself into national agriculture and fishery organization to lead the farmers’ association and fishermen’s association to renovate themselves.


Public Communication


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