  • 學位論文


Applying Quantity Flexibility Contract in Supply Chain from Supplier’s Perspective

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 蔣明晃


供應鏈上的整合經常發生困難,在單單依賴市場機能不能收到預期的效果下,企業開始尋求各種機制來促成供應鏈之整合,其中供應鏈契約目的是希望透過契約的方式將供應鏈網路中的各廠商,原先在各自擁有的部分資訊和不同動機下所作的獨立決策加以有效率的協調整合,以尋求整體供應鏈網路達到最佳解的水準。目前廣泛應用在產品生命週期較短產業的數量彈性契約,即為藉由彈性的訂購數量來使交易的雙方能夠分攤風險進而尋求供應鏈系統的最佳化的一種機制。 有鑒於過去學者對於數量彈性契約的探討,較少用有系統的方式來討論不同的數量彈性調整參數對數量彈性契約的影響,因此本研究希望建立以供應商為主導之供應鏈數量彈性契約隨機模型,並從中探討在供應鏈網路期望利潤最大化的目標下,當上游供應商在考慮下游零售商的行為模式下,如何決定最佳數量彈性契約以使整體供應鏈所帶來之效益為最大。其中本研究主要將決策變數決定為數量彈性契約中的數量彈性調整參數,希望探討上游供應商如何藉由數量彈性調整參數的決策來幫助整體供應鏈系統達到最適化。最後利用實驗設計的方式,探討零售商毛利值、供應商毛利值、零售商產品殘值率、供應商產品殘值率、零售商缺貨成本,對於整體供應鏈期望利潤、下游零售商期望利潤及上游供應商期望利潤的影響。 藉由本模型的分析結果,在面對零售商可能提出之期初訂購量的決策模式條件下,供應商確實能夠透過決定數量彈性契約的數量彈性調整參數幫助整體供應鏈利益提升。由實驗設計中亦可看出引入數量彈性契約機制相對於傳統的零售商向供應商單純的進行產品訂購而言,可以有效地降低企業需求預測不準確之風險,尤其在假設供應商扮演主導的角色可藉由掌握零售商的訂購行為模式,進而決定最適的數量彈性契約調整參數,更可為整體供應鏈帶來更佳的效益。


Supply chain contract is a mechanism that can effectively coordinate the decisions among different suppliers and retailers to achieve higher availability in a supply chain. Among different types of supply chain contract, quantity flexibility contract, frequently used by industries with short product life cycle, is the one which can further lower the risks and increase the profits for both suppliers and retailers through an adjustable mechanism of order quantity. Although the quantity flexibility contract has been exercised by the industries, there are few researchers working on building up mathematical models for quantity flexibility contract to explore an adjustable mechanism of order quantity which be developed for a supplier to total optimize supply chain profit. In order to find an optimal mechanism for quantity flexibility contract, our study first formulates a stochastic model for quantity flexibility contract to maximize the total supply chain profit by assuming that suppliers can predict retailers’ ordering behavior. Also, a specific demand distribution, uniform distribution, is provided to further illustrate how to utilize our stochastic model, followed by providing an efficient heuristic to solve the model. From the results of heuristics, we can identify a near-optimal quantity flexibility adjustment mechanism for a supplier. At last, experimental design is performed to find out how the retailer’s and supplier’s profit margin, retailer’s and supplier’s product salvage value, and retailer understock cost have the impact on total supply chain’s total expected profit, retailer’s expected profit, and supplier’s expected profit. Throughout the model formulation and analysis, we can conclude that a well-designed quantity flexibility contract could bring more benefits to the entire supplier chain comparing to the situation without quantity flexibility contract.


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