  • 學位論文


The Investigation of the daily occupaiton of mothers of children with cerebral palsy

指導教授 : 羅鈞令


本研究主要目的在探討腦性麻痺孩童母親的日常職能活動。經由量性與質性研究合併的方式深入探討。量性研究部分透過『日常活動記錄表』及『台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷』比較30位腦性麻痺孩童母親及30位一般孩童母親日常活動之類型、時間運用及其生活品質,並以學齡前兒童行為調查手冊(CCDI)作為評估孩童發展能力的指標。質性研究部分採用紮根理論研究法,訪談了七位腦性麻痺孩童母親的日常職能活動經驗。研究結果發現,腦性麻痺孩童母親參與在照顧其他人活動上,明顯較一般孩童母親少,且照顧腦性麻痺孩子的時間明顯較多,而參與在自我進修或休息的時間則較少。腦性麻痺孩童母親之生活品質在生理及環境範疇的感受也明顯較一般孩童母親差。由訪談文字稿分析發現腦性麻痺孩童母親認為其生活應以照顧腦性麻痺孩子及家庭為重,加上與父親生活事務分工後,加重了母親的照顧負擔與照顧責任。而腦性麻痺孩童日常照顧負擔使得母親常以孩子的需求為優先,而孩子也習慣在行為及心理上依賴著母親,影響了母親的日常職能活動安排。若腦性麻痺孩童母親為了照顧孩子辭掉工作,會更使得其生活圈與社交圈限制在家庭之中,而也因照顧孩子缺少興趣與嗜好活動,而長期下來,缺乏興趣與嗜好,家庭事務的一再重複,也使得其精神壓力無法抒解,已造成其生活倦怠感。但若父親能夠適時給予生活事務的協助或心理支持,則可以改善母親的倦怠感,也能增加夫妻間的凝聚力。 本研究結果有助於提醒臨床治療師在服務身心障礙孩童家庭時,除了服務身心障礙孩童外,應特別留意主要照顧者的生活安排及生活品質,並給予適時介入,以促進整個身心障礙孩童家庭的生活品質。


The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the time use of daily occupation and quality of life of mothers of children with cerebral palsy with that of mothers of typically developing children and the experience of daily occupation of mothers of children with cerebral palsy. A diary-log and quality of life questionnaire were used to measure the participants’ time use during a weekday and health-related quality of life. The methods of grounded theory were used for discover the experience of daily occupation of Mothers. Quantitative data from 30 mothers of children with cerebral palsy and 30 mothers of children with typically developing were analyzed. Chinese Child Developmental Inventory was used as an indicator of children’s development. Qualitative data was gathered from the interviews with 7 mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Mother of children with cerebral palsy were found to less engage in caring others, work and rest, and spent more time in caring children with cerebral palsy. Mothers of children with cerebral palsy were poorer in physical health and environment domains of quality of life. 7 main themes emerged in the interview transcribed data. Mothers of cerebral palsy thought that their life should be focus on the child with cerebral palsy and the family. Therefore Mother devoted more time and energy to caregiving and less to social and interests .Repeated daily duty and caring made the mothers of children with cerebral palsy burnout. But with the support of the fathers, the pressure can be released and the cohesion between the couple or family member would be increased. Possible reasons for these results were discussed. Further research and recommendation to clinics were suggested.


occupation mother cerebral palsy quality of life


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