  • 學位論文


The Effect of College Education on Wage and Multi-dimensional Personal Ability Development: The Case of Recent Economics and Business Graduates

指導教授 : 傅祖壇


本文主要研究大學教育對商學院畢業生的勞動市場表現與大學多元能力培養影響進行分析。勞動市場表現方面分為第一次工作薪資與目前工作薪資兩項,運用薪資方程式與考慮資訊不完全因素的薪資邊界模型分析商學院畢業生勞動市場表現。大學多元能力培養影響方面,以教育認知、情意與技能的三目標做為區分,運用最小平方法分析畢業生主觀認為大學教育對於多元能力培養的影響。 薪資方程式估計研究結果顯示:(1)影響第一次薪資的因素包括:父親教育程度、大學畢業成績、就讀的科系錄取分數、曾經考取證照、曾經擔任社團幹部、學用配合度與中文電腦打字速度。(2)父親教育程度、大學畢業成績、就讀的科系錄取分數、曾經考取證照、居住地、研究所學歷、大學期間學過電腦相關知識、畢業後工作經驗年數與工作公司型態,會影響目前工作薪資。在多元能力培養分析上可以發現:(1)不同課程的修課經驗,分別對於認知、情意與技能方面能力的培養有顯著幫助。(2)客觀的學校品質變數與學生主觀對於教學品質的滿意度可以發現,教學與設備品質越好的大學,對於學生多元能力培養越有幫助。薪資隨機邊界模型的結果顯示:(1)在影響勞動市場資訊不完全因素方面,第一次工作時,父親教育程度越高、曾經修習求職技巧課程與學用配合度越高可以減少資訊不完全的影響,縮小因為資訊不完全所造成實際薪資與潛在薪資之間的薪資差異。目前工作薪資方面,居住地、父親教育程度、工作公司型態會影響資訊不完全因素造成實際薪資與潛在薪資的差異。(2)男性第一次工作薪資與目前工作薪資的潛在薪資皆大於女性的潛在薪資。(3)畢業生進入職場工作一段時間之後,將會減少實際薪資與潛在薪資的薪資差異。(4)男性受到勞動市場資訊不完全部份的影響較女性多,所以第一次工作薪資及目前工作薪資的實際薪資與潛在薪資的薪資差異較女性大,而薪資效率值則較女性小。


The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the effect of school education on college graduate’ wage and multi-dimensional personal ability development for recent economics and business graduates. The wage function and wage frontier approaches were used to serve such purpose. The ordinary least squares method was also used to identify factors which affect graduate’ multi-dimensional personal ability development(MPAD). Result of wage functions indicate: (1) Factors influenced both starting wage and current wage include: father education degree, university graduation grade, entering score of the department, and license obtained. Those graduates who served as association's cadre, learned match with works, and type the Chinese faster could also get more first job wage. (2) In addition, the residence location, master degree, learning computer knowledge in the university, work experiences after graduation, and company type could influence current wage. Results of MPAD indicate: (1) Difference in schooling courses shows positive significantly influence on the cultivation of knowledge, sentiment, and skill abilities. (2) The better the teaching quality and equipments provided by schools, the more benefit on multi-dimensional personal ability development obtained by graduates. Results of wage frontier functions show: (1) Father education, a job hunting skill course, and learn match to work would affect the efficiency of the starting wage. Residence location, father education degree, and company type would affect the efficiency of current wage. (2) Male potential wage is higher than female either in starting wage or in current wage. (3) Wage difference between observed wages and potential wages would decrease overtime. (4) The influence of incomplete information on male is large than that on female.


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