  • 學位論文


A study on pedestrian commuting behavior of school-aged children: the cases of Fu Lin and Dong Yuan elementary school in Taipei

指導教授 : 陳亮全


臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士論文 中華民國九十九年二月 學齡兒童通學步行行為分析— 以台北市福林國小與東園國小為例 陳韻如 摘要 兒童行人受限於身心發展特性、生活經驗缺乏以及判斷力不足等限制,而易遭受交通事故之傷害,其步行事故率僅低於高齡者,其中又以上下學時通學路段事故率最高。為維護學童通學安全,並提供舒適的通學環境,近年來,各界陸續推行通學巷改造計畫。事實上,通學步行行為除了人與環境的關係外,尚包含人際互動之社會性行為,心理需求同為影響步行行為的因素。為補足實質環境面分析之不足,本研究另從兒童之生理、心理、社會發展以及教育學習方向,探求學童通學步行行為之各層面之需求,並結合馬斯洛需求階層理論,建立更整體性之通學步行行為需求架構,作為分析基礎,並探究各需求層級之相互關係。 本研究自台北市篩選兩案例為研究對象—福林國小與東園國小,運用問卷調查、半結構式訪談以及實地觀察的方式,檢視需求理論架構是否符合真實情況。本研究將通學步行行為需求分為三個層級,包含生存需求、社會需求以及成長需求。研究結果顯示,學童通學步行除了安全需求外,尚有社會互動及環境學習之其他層面的需求,此外,需求間具有階層性,但仍有例外,而需求階層關係受外在環境條件及個人因素影響而發生變化,其中,外在環境條件涉及通學步道之軟硬體的供給與限制,例如人行道設置、導護志工以及交通管制之措施等,個人因素則與學童生心發展特性、生活經驗以及通學方式相關,兩者相互作用下,改變了學童通學步行需求之滿足程度,進而影響步行行為與活動內容。 關鍵字:通學、通學步道、步行行為、學齡兒童、馬斯洛、需求階層理論


A study on pedestrian commuting behavior of school-aged children: the cases of Fu Lin and Dong Yuan elementary school in Taipei Chen, Yun-Ju Master’s Thesis of Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University Abstract Restricted to physical and mental development characteristics and lack of life experience and judgment, pedestrians of young age are prone to harms caused by traffic accidents when walking on the street, placing them second after elderly pedestrians. Among traffic accidents, the highest rate for accidents is on road route to school in the morning and after school. In attempt to maintain child safety route school and provide a comfortable commuting environment, various fields have recently been promoting the plan for commuting alley transformation. As a matter of fact, in addition to the relationship between human and the environment by acts of walking to school, social behavior such as interpersonal interaction is also included with psychological needs as a factor in influencing the pedestrian behavior. In order to make-up for the lack of analysis in the aspect of physical environment, this research will probe into various aspects of demands in the pedestrian commuting behavior of school-aged children from aspects of children’s physical, psychological, social development and education learning. And this research will combine Maslow's Needs-Hierarchy Theory to establish a more integrated demand structure for the pedestrian commuting behavior as the foundation for the analysis in addition to discussing the correlation between various need hierarchy. This research has used two cases as its research subjects- Fu Lin and Dong Yuan Elementary School by utilizing surveys, semi-structured interviews and method of field observation in attempt to inspect whether the needs-hierarchy theory corresponds to the real situation. This research has divided demands influencing the pedestrian commuting behavior into 3 levels including needs for survival, social needs and need for growth. Result from the research has shown that in addition to revealing a hierarchy in the walking demands of school age children, there are still exceptions to school age children walking to school and that demands by various levels will be altered due to the condition of the external environment and personal issue. The former includes supplies and restrictions on commuting environment, such as sidewalk, traffic safety guards and traffic control. The latter is related to characteristics of child development, life experience and commuting patterns. The above-mentioned factors affect mutual fulfillment of need, and then change pedestrian behavior and activities. Keywords: pedestrian commuter, commuting path, pedestrian behavior, school-aged children, Maslow, needs-hierarchy theory




