  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Sleep Quality and Leisure Activities amongWorking People

指導教授 : 張俊彥


休閒活動被視為現代日常生活中十分重要的一部分,許多文獻指出從事休閒活動有助於降低生活壓力、促進人際關係及自我實現等效益,但目前文獻中針對休閒活動與睡眠品質之關係仍有許多探討之空間,因此本次研究想更進一步討論休閒活動在不同分類依據下其參與時數是否會與睡眠品質的相關性,並且假設此相關性亦與知覺壓力相關。 本次研究選擇在職工作者作為研究對象。為了探討休閒活動的性質,本次研究根據休閒活動與知覺壓力的相關理論,進而選擇活動強度(休閒運動、非運動類休閒)、休閒活動空間自然度(綠地空間、非綠地空間)、及休閒活動參與同伴性質(有同伴、無同伴)作為休閒活動之探討分類依據,讓受測者填入過去一星期中,將其最常從事的休閒活動時數填入不同分類架構中。知覺壓力則是使用知覺壓力量表(PSS-10)作為量測生活壓力之工具。個人睡眠品質之量測採用匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(PSQI)。使用相關分析,探討不同類別之休閒時數與睡眠品質及知覺壓力之關係。 本次研究透過街頭便利抽樣(台北車站站前商業區),分析樣本數為175 份。研究結果顯示,在活動強度與休閒空間自然度分類依據下其時數與睡眠品質構面有顯著相關。在綠地空間活動時間較長,其睡眠品質越佳,日間生活機能障礙的困擾也越低。從事休閒運動時數越多者,其自評睡眠品值越佳,且日間生活機能障礙的困擾也較少。知覺壓力與睡眠品質有顯著相關,壓力越大者,其睡眠品質越差。非運動類休閒與非綠地空間休閒主要以「看電視」及「用電腦」為主,非運動類休閒時數及非綠地空間休閒時數約高時,其「知覺無助感」越強,且睡眠品質中的「使用助眠藥物」頻率也越高。


Leisure activities are considered a very important part of daily life. Much research has provided evidence that leisure activities can reduce stress, promote interpersonal relationships and achieve self-realization. Many questions regarding leisure activities still remain to be discussed and studied. This study will address whether leisure activities located on a scale with different dimensions will show a correlation between leisure activity time and sleep quality. A correlation between sleep quality and perceived stress is also assumed. The research samples for this study are working people. To discuss the characteristics of leisure activities, we selected three dimensions that relate to theories for coping with or reducing stress. These three dimensions are activity strength (leisure sports, non-sports leisure), environment in which the leisure activity takes place (green spaces or non-green spaces), and the relationship dynamic (with others or alone). The participants were asked to record how many hours they spent during the previous week on major leisure activities and to put these hours in the different categories of the three dimensions. Then perceived stress was measured by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), personal sleep quality was measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and correlation analysis was used to show the correlations between leisure activity hours, sleep quality and perceived stress. This study used Convenience Sampling to analyze the remaining 175 subjects.These results show that leisure hours in the dimensions of activity strength and environmental space have a significant correlation with the PSQI’s factors. The more hours spent engaged in leisure activities in green spaces, the better the sleep quality and the lower the level of daytime dysfunction. As the number of hours spent playing active sports increases, subjective sleep quality is improved and the level of daytime dysfunction decreases. Furthermore, perceived stress has a significant correlation with sleep quality; the higher the perceived stress is, the lower the sleep quality is. The major activities that fall into both the non-sport leisure time activities category and the non-green space leisure activities category are “Watching television” and “playing on the computer”. People who spend more hours on non-sport leisure activities and non-green space activities have a higher frequency of taking sleeping pills.


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