  • 學位論文


A Research on the Implement of Food Safety Management System to Rice Husking in “Rice Producing and Distribution Zones”

指導教授 : 雷立芬


近年台灣地區發生多起有機農產品農藥殘留與食品假冒、混充與不法添加物等涉及食品安全之事件,除了嚴重威脅了大眾的健康與權益,經媒體大幅的報導更嚴重影響大眾的消費信心。更有甚者,重創我國農產品與加工食品的形象與商譽,間接造成國際市場對國產品的非關稅貿易障礙。目前在國內由政府輔導、推廣之認驗證標章甚多,卻因食安事件發生頻繁而未能取信於消費者。農企業勢必要加強導入由國際間所認可的「食品安全管理系統驗證」,以此加強業者本身的自主管理,提升農產品的安全管控。 本研究主要目的是將「食品安全管理系統」,導入國內「稻米產銷專業區」的碾米廠,以期提昇我國稻米安全品質,除增加產品競爭力有效區隔國產與進口產品之差異,更可增進消費信心,建立免於恐懼的食安環境。本研究選擇設有「稻米產銷專業區」的碾米廠作研究,是因為其對原料生產的控管作法與加工流程,相當符合ISO22000「食品安全管理系統」的要求,並且可建立追溯生產源頭到加工及流通過程的標準要求。 本研究以三家稻米產銷專業區執行長作深度訪談。主要訪談問題聚焦於業者導入「食品安全管理系統」之基本條件與實際作業流程,及顧問師如何建議協助需要改善,以順利通過驗證並符合外銷及各種通路需求等。 研究發現,業者基本條件都具有稻米安全與品質相關檢驗人員及證照。生產設備與檢驗設備,及選用原料品種與相關製程方法,都足以生產安全與高品質的產品。本研究依ISO22000程序書產生的問項,發現業者大都可落實系統要求。在導入系統的動機上,主要是為了自主管理、強化品牌、提升形象、得到客戶信任、與拓展通路的需求。在困難點上為輔導的時間長、工作表單多、人力及成本與經費的負擔。在成功因素上為高層的支持、全員具共識、標準的設備、執行上的落實。在助益上為可強化內部控管能力,生產製程與檢驗具標準作業流程,安全與品質皆提升。需改善的部分為;生產設備上進行補強,以提升產能及規劃實現安全與高品質產品,滿足通路與客戶的需求。


In recent years, a lot of pesticide residues food counterfeit organic products, additives and other unscrupulous food manufacturing process which related to food safety has become a popular issue in Taiwan. The food safety issue in addition to a serious threat to the health and interests of the public, through the media coverage significantly, all of these food scandals contribute to consumers losing trust in the government. It also has damaged the image of Taiwan's agricultural products and processed foods among the international market. Agribusiness is bound to strengthen the "Certification of Food Safety Management System"which has recognized internationally, as a way to strengthen the industry's own self-management, enhance security control of agricultural products. The main purpose of this study is to see how "Food Safety Management System" ameliorate Taiwan rice producing Taiwan rice producing districts in order to enhance the safety and quality of Taiwanese rice, not only to increase the competitiveness of their products and to effectively differentiate differences between domestic and imported products, but also can enhance consumer confidence, establish food safety with no fear. n this study, only select the Rice vendors those who has “Rice Producing and Distribution Zones.” to be the research object is because of its control on raw material production and processing practices and processes, quite in line with ISO 22000 "Food Safety Management System" requirements, and can be established traceable source of production, processing and distribution process to the standard requirements. In the research, in-depth interviews with three Rice vendors’ CEOs, the main interview focused on the topic of how industries import the basic conditions for the "Food Safety Management System" and the actual processes, and what consultants recommended the need to improve to successfully validated and meet export demand with a variety of pathways. The study found that operators all got the rice inspection personnel license related to safety and quality of basic conditions. Production equipment and testing equipment and selection of varieties of raw materials and related process methods are sufficient to produce safe and high quality products. And also found that a large industry can implement the system requirements, if the manufacturing processes are in line with the ISO22000 standards. Helps self-management, strengthen brands, enhance the image, customers trust, and expand demand pathways, those are the reasons to input the system. The difficulty is in the long-time coach, worksheets and more, the burden and cost of labor and funding. Success factors include superiors support, with full consensus standards and implemented on the device. Benefit is the ability to strengthen internal controls, production processes and testing with standard operating procedures safety and quality are improved. Improvements: be reinforced on production equipment to increase production capacity and planning to achieve safe and high-quality products to meet customer demand.


王聞淨 (2008) ,「台灣農產品產銷履歷驗證制度之建構與未來展望」,《農業生技產業季刊》,16:17-24。
戴登燦 (2010),「農產品認驗證系統之研究」,《臺中區農業改良場特刊》,99:75-86。


