  • 學位論文


The Tourism-oriented Governance of War-heritage in Kinmen

指導教授 : 王志弘


本文探討金門自戰地轉型的進程中,金門發動戰地襲產化的觀光治理機制為何,以及戰地襲產化觀光帶給金門什麼樣的前景與困境。 金門長達四十三年的軍事管制時期,意外使得戰爭地景得以保存與襲產化(heritage),在解除軍管後,這些戰地遺跡成為觀光遊憩資源,也是今日金門發動戰地觀光的結構動力。我嘗試挪用「煉金術」一詞來譬喻金門以發展戰地觀光的策略,去修補撤軍後的經濟危機,在這個過程之中涉及了不同治理體制之間的緊張關係。 更具體地說,我探討金門三個地方層級的不同治理機制:「三金」(金門縣政府、國防部金門防衛指揮部、金門國家公園管理處)在其各自本位上,如何治理金門襲產觀光化的具體措施,彼此間有何合作和衝突關係,同時,去歷史的觀光化過程中,這些體制自身如何不自覺地扭曲、變形。 另一方面,我也關切金門人自身如何面對這個強調特定戰爭記憶,並予以襲產化和觀光化的家鄉。也就是說,在地居民面對這些戰爭地景意義的轉變,涉及了地方記憶與認同的協商和重塑,如何具體映照出金門置身兩岸關係中的曲折處境。因此,我在參照傅柯「異質地方」概念後,試圖以「雙面鏡」的空間隱喻,說明金門如何可能在戰地襲產化觀光治理與地景重塑的脈絡中,體察到一種傅柯式的鏡像反身重塑效果。


In this article, I try to elaborate the governance mechanism in Kinmen during the War-heritage transformation, and I also investigate the possible development and difficulty of the war-heritage tourism in Kinmen in the future. The War-heritage of Kinmen is accidently preserved and become heritage formation due to the 43 years Martial Law Period. These Landscapes became the Tourism and recreation resources which motivate the development of War-heritage Tourism of Kinmen after the Martial Law was announced ended. I use the word Alchemy, which means “On the Government of Kinmen” in mandarin, to describe the process of War-heritage tourism developing in Kinmen. I investigate three different governance mechanism including Kinmen County Government, Kiman Defense Command of Ministry of National Defend, Kinmen National Park. I try to realize their co-governance and the conflicts relationships of the heritage tourism development. At the same time, these mechanisms governance themselves during the process unconsciously, which shape a twisted and distort governance. On the other side, I concern about the self-identification of Kinmen residents; with the meanings transformation of the Battlefield Landscape, the residents negotiate and reconstruct their memories and identification to Kinmen. And this process also reflex the twisted position in the Cross-Straits relation. Therefore, I refer to the concept of Heterotopias of Foucault, and use the Double-sided Mirror as a metaphor to elaborate the reflexive-reconstruction of Foucault mirror effect in Kinmen’s context.


Kinmen War-heritage tourism governance heterotopia


王志弘(2012)〈新文化治理體制與國家—社會關係:剝皮寮的襲產化〉,《世新大學人文社會學報》13: 31-70。
